The Life of Animals | Red Colobus | The diet of the red colobus monkeys Mainly consists of young leaves, flowers, and unripe fruit They are also known to eat charcoal to help combat the leaves may contain some cyanide. In Addition to sustenance, Evidence Suggests That chimpanzees prey on red colobus to reinforce the social status as well as to attract sexual partners When under attack, the red colobus males congregate to defend Their group while the females gather Their infants and try to escape.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Black and White Colobus
The Life of Animals | Black and White Colobus | Black-and-white colobuses (or colobi) are Old World monkeys of the genus colobus, native to Africa. They are closely related to the brown colobus monkeys of the genus Piliocolobus The word "colobus" comes from Greek κολοβός kolobós ("maimed"), and is so named Because its thumb is a stump.
Colobuses are herbivorous, eating leaves, fruit, flowers, and Twigs. Their habitat includes primary and secondary forest, riverine forest, and wooded grasslands; They are found more in higher density than in other forests logged primary forests. Newborn colobuses are completely white. Colobuses are Important for Their seed dispersals through sloppy eating habits as well as through Their digestive system.
Patas Monkey
The Life of Animals | Patas Monkey | The Patas monkey lives in multi-female groups of up to 60 individuals (although much larger aggregations have been reported). Once juvenile males reach sexual maturity (around the age of 4 years old) They leave the group, usually joining the all-male groups. The Patas monkey has a remarkably high reproductive rate, Perhaps as an evolutionary response to the high adult mortality rates associated with this strongly terrestrial lifestyle
There is some confusion Surrounding the number of valid subspecies, with some listing four and others listing two; the western Erythrocebus Patas Patas (Common Patas; with a black nose) and the eastern Erythrocebus Patas pyrrhonotus .
Golden Snub Nosed Monkey
The Life of Animals | Golden Snub Nosed Monkey | The change in home range size and location is dependent upon the availability and distribution of food. One of the largest home ranges found covered 40 km2 The golden snub-nosed monkey lives in temperate areas. It is limited to broadleaf deciduous, broadleaf deciduous-mixed Conifer, Conifer forests or
The golden snub-nosed monkey eats (from greatest to least in amount) lichens, young leaves, fruits or seeds, buds, mature leaves, herbs, bark, and flowers. This diet varies from season to season, showing a correlation once again the between food availability and home range. The monkeys' preferred lichen species seem to be Connus controversa, Cerasus discadenia, Salix willichiana, and Malus halliana. The golden snub-nosed monkey Gives birth from March to June
The golden snub-nosed monkey is endangered due to habitat loss. For instance, lichens are the main staple of the monkey's diet and dead trees have the greatest lichen coverage. Unfortunately, dead trees are harvested, thus reducing the quality of the habitat and availability of food. The monkey is a highly selective feeder, so damage to its habitat Seriously Impacts the species.
Spectacled Langur
The Life of Animals | Spectacled Langur | The spectacled langur is one of the largest Primates at Monkeyland. Interestingly, infants are orange Pls They are born! By 9 months of age infants change to the gray-black color of adults. Female head and body length in this species is 425-595 mm and tail length varies from 635-813 mm. Females weigh approximately 4.994 to 8.626 g. Female head and body length is 420-675 mm and tail length is 570-790 mm. Males weigh around 6.129 to 9.080 g. The spectacled langur adult brain weighs 67.6 g.
Spectacled langurs live in primary forest (mature and Untouched), secondary forest (regenerated), Lowland forest (altitudes below 1 km) as well as submontane and montane forest up to 1.828 m. Spectacled langurs are arboreal and quadrupedal. Spectacled langurs travel 0.95 miles per day on average.
Gestation in spectacled langurs is approximately 150 days. One observational study of a single captive male spectacled langur characterized the mother-infant relationship throughout the first year of life. Due to limited study, the lifespan of wild-spectacled langurs is unknown.
Howler Monkey
The Life of Animals | Howler Monkey | Howler monkeys have a short snout, and wide-set, round nostrils. Like many New World monkeys, They have prehensile tails. Unlike other New World monkeys, Both male and female Howler monkeys have trichromatic color vision This has evolved independently from other New World monkeys due to gene duplication They have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Howler species are dimorphic and can also be dichromatic (ie Alouatta caraya). Howler monkeys move Generally quadrupedally on the tops of branches, usually grasping a branch with at least two hands or one hand and the tail at all times. They have strong prehensile tails the which are Able to support the monkey's entire body weight. Most Howler monkey species live in groups of 10 to 15 animals, with one to three adults males and multiple females. Mantled howlers monkeys (Alouatta palliata) are an exception, commonly living in groups of 15 to 20 individuals with more than three adult males. Unlike most New World monkeys, in the which one sex Remains in natal groups, juveniles of Both sexes emigrate from natal Their Such groups Howler monkeys That Could Spend the Majority of Their adult lives in association with non-kin. Group size varies by species and by location, with an approximate male to female ratio of a male to four females.
These large and slow moving monkeys are the only folivores of the New World monkeys. Howlers eat Mainly top canopy leaves, together with fruit, buds, flowers, and nuts. Howler monkeys are also known to occasionally raid birds Nests and Chicken Coops and consume the eggs. Copan in particular is famous for its representations of Howler Monkey Gods. Two Howler monkey brothers play a role in the 16th century myth of the Maya Hero Twins included in the Popol Vuh.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Night Monkey
The Life of Animals | Night Monkey | The night monkeys, also known as the owl monkeys or douroucoulis, are the members of the genus Aotus of New World monkeys (monotypic in family Aotidae). The species live at higher elevations That growing niche to have Thicker fur than the monkeys at sea level. Night monkeys have big brown eyes and therefore have Increased ability to be active at night. They are Called Because all species of night monkeys are active at night and are in fact the only truly nocturnal monkeys (an exception is the subspecies Aotus azarae azarae, the which is cathemeral) Both male and female Night Monkeys weigh almost the same amount. For example, in one of these Night Monkeys, A. azarae, the male weighs 2.76 pounds while the female weighs 2.75 pounds.
Family groups defend territories by vocal calls and scent marking. Night monkeys constitute one of the Few That monkey species are affected by the Often deadly human malaria protozoan Plasmodium falciparum, making Them useful non-human primates as experimental models in malaria research Until 1983, all night monkeys were the resource persons placed into only one (A. lemurimus) or two species (A. lemurinus and A. azarae).
As is the case with some other splits in this genus an essential part of the argument for recognizing this new species was differences in the chromosomes Chromosome Evidence has also been used as an argument for merging "species", as was the case for considering a infulatus subspecies of A. azarae rather than a separate species of Fossil species have (been entered correctly or incorrectly) been assigned to this genus, but only extant species are listed below.
Emperor Tamarin
The Life of Animals | Emperor Tamarin | The Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) is a tamarin allegedly named for its resemblance to the German emperor Wilhelm II. It lives in the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north Bolivia and in the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas. The fur of the Emperor Tamarin is predominantly gray colored, with Yellowish speckles on its chest. This primate inhabits tropical rain forests, living deep in the forest and also in open tree-covered areas.
The Emperor Tamarin lives together in groups of two to eight animals. Mutual grooming plays an Important role for bonding and socializing. The Emperor Tamarin is known to form mixed-species associations with the Brown-mantled Tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis).
Golden Lion Tamarin
The Life of Animals | Golden Lion Tamarin | The golden lion tamarin gets its name from its Fiery orange or red pelage and the extra long hairs That form along its cheek, throat and ears, giving it a distinctive mane Its face is dark and hairless. Tegulaes enable the tamarins to cling to the side of tree trunks.
Golden lion tamarins live in groups range from 2-11 members That These groups usually consist of one adult male and female but may also have two or three males and one female or one male and two females Other members include subadults, juveniles and infants of Both WHO sexes are usually offspring of the breeding individuals.
The dominance relationship the between males and females depend on how long an individual has been in the group. A newly immigrated female is subordinate to the resident adult female WHO inherited her rank from her mother Both males and females may leave Their natal group at the age of four, however if a breeding female dies or disappears before the dispersals of the offspring, her daughter may inherit her position and the breeding male Supposedly Who is her father Will leave Young males usually do not inherit Their fathers' rank and Their Pls dispersing from natal groups, roaming They enter single sex groups until They find an opportunity to immigrate to a new group .
85% of Immigrants to groups are males A male may find an opportunity to enter into a group Pls the resident male dies or disappears. A male may also eject the resident males aggressively from this group, this is usually done by two males Immigrant Who Are Likely brothers. The intent is to strengthen the wild population and maintain a secure captive population in zoos worldwide.
White Faced Saki
The Life of Animals | White Faced Saki | In captivity, female white-faced sakis experience ovarian cycles of approximately 17 days, and a gestational period of 20-21 weeks. Following birth, the mother undergoes a period of lactationally-induced fertility lasting 23 weeks, on average Sakis of the Pithecia species display noticeable sexual pithecia dichromism in Their coloration. The white-faced saki (Pithecia pithecia), also known as the Guianan saki and the golden-faced saki, is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and Timbuktu.
Tufted Capuchin
The Life of Animals | Tufted Capuchin | The Tufted capuchin is more powerfully built than the other capuchins, with rougher fur and a short, thick tail. The Tufted capuchin has a head-body length of 32 to 57 centimetres (13 to 22 in), a tail length of 38 to 56 centimetres (15 to 22 in), and a weight of 1.9 to 4.8 kilograms (4.2 to 11 lb) , with the males being larger and Generally heavier than the females.
The Tufted capuchin lives in groups of two to twenty or more animals. A single group usually contains at least one adult male, but mixed groups with multiple males do also occur. In That case, one of the males is dominant. He accepts only A Few monkeys in his direct surroundings, Mainly younger animals and A Few females.
After a gestation period of 180 days, one young is born, or Incidentally a twin. Tool use and manufacture can also shed light on the many aspects of the Tufted capuchin's Cognitive Abilities by determining how it solves some problems. Some non-Primates manufacture and use objects as tools.
Crows are known to make-hook-tools for catching Insects Such activities but lack the behavioral plasticity of tool use as evidenced in Tufted capuchins found new WHO Airways to use tools other species That Could not But this plasticity in tool use, while suggesting Greater complexity and cognitive ability, does not suggest the monkeys That Understand cause and effect It is also found in eastern Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, including the Andean upper Magdalena Valley in Columbia.
Spider Monkey
The Life of Animals | Spider Monkey | There are many theories about the evolution of the atelines; one theory Is that spider monkeys are most closely related to the Woolly spider monkeys (Bractyteles), and most Likely split from the Woolly monkeys (Lagothrix and Oreonax) in the South American Lowland forest, to evolve Their unique locomotory system This theory is not supported by fossil evidence. Other theories include Brachyteles, Lagothrix and Ateles in a non-resolved trichotomy and two clades, one composed of Ateles and Lagothrix and the other of Alouatta and Brachyteles More recent molecular Atelinae Evidence Suggests That split in the middle to late Miocene (13 Ma), separating from the Woolly spider monkeys spider monkeys and the Woolly monkeys Spider monkeys form loose groups of 15 to 25 animals.
The average subgroup size is less than four animals Also less common in Primates, females rather than males disperse at Puberty to join new groups. The strongest social bonds are formed the between females and Their young offspring. Spider monkeys Communicate Their intentions and observations using postures and stances, Such as postures of sexual receptivity and of attack. When a spider monkey sees a human approaching, it barks loudly similar to a dog.
Seated monkeys may Sway and the make noise. Males and occasionally adult females growl menacingly at the approach of a human. The monkeys also defecate and urinate toward the intruder Spider monkeys are diurnal and Spend the night sleeping in carefully selected trees. Spider monkeys have been observed avoiding the upper canopy of the trees for Locomotion. One researcher speculated Because That this was the thin branches at the tops of trees do not support the monkeys as well At 107 grams, the spider monkey brain is twice the size of a Howler monkey brain of equivalent body size; this is thought to be a result of the spider monkeys' complex social system and Their frugivorous diet, the which consists primarily of ripe fruit from a wide variety (over 150 species) of plants.
The ba male from her group with Whom to mate. Both males and females Sniff Their mates to check Their readiness for copulation. The infant wraps its tail around its mother's and tightly grabs her midsection. Mothers are very protective of Their young and are Generally attentive mothers.
Squirrel Monkey
The Life of Animals | Squirrel Monkey | The squirrel monkeys are the New World monkeys of the genus Saimiri. Squirrel monkeys live in the tropical forests of Central and South America in the canopy layer Squirrel monkey fur is short and close, colored olive at the shoulders and Yellowish orange on its back and extremities. This black-and-white face Gives Them the name "death's head monkey" in Several Germanic languages (eg, German Totenkopfaffen, dödskalleapor Swedish, Dutch doodshoofdaapjes) and Slovenian (smrtoglavka). Squirrel monkeys grow to 25 to 35 cm, plus a 35 to 42 cm tail. Male squirrel monkeys weigh 750 to 1100 g. Females weigh 500 to 750 g.
Female squirrel monkeys have a pseudo-penis That They use to display dominance over Smaller monkeys, in much the same way the male squirrel monkeys display Their dominance. Like most of Their New World monkey relatives, squirrel monkeys are diurnal and arboreal. For marking territory, squirrel monkeys rub tail and Their Their Their own skin with urine. Squirrel monkeys are omnivores, eating primarily fruits and Insects. They occasionally also eat seeds, leaves, flowers, buds, nuts, eggs and small vertebrates.
The ing of the squirrel monkeys is subject to seasonal influences. Female squirrel monkeys reach sexual maturity at age 3 years, while males take until age 5. Two squirrel monkey species are Threatened: S. oerstedti and S. vanzolinii are listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Until 1984, all South American squirrel monkeys were the resource persons Generally Considered part of a single widespread species, and many zoologists Considered the Central American Squirrel Monkey to be a member of That single species as well. The two main groups can be Recognized currently separated by the white above the eyes; it being shaped as a Gothic ("pointed") Arch in the S. sciureus group, while it is shaped as a Roman ("rounded") Arch in the S. boliviensis group
Color vision in squirrel monkeys has been extensively studied as a stand-in for human ailments In Humans, two genes for color vision are found on the X chromosome. Typically, one gene (OPN1LW) That produces a pigment is most sensitive to the 564 nm wavelength, while the other gene (OPN1MW) produces pigment most sensitive to 534 nm. Recently, gene therapy has given the human gene OPN1LW to adult male squirrel monkeys, producing behavior is consistent with trichromatic color vision
Saturday, November 12, 2011
American Wirehair
The Life of Animals | American Wirehair | The American Wirehair is a spontaneous mutation of the first American Shorthair It Occurred as a random mutation Among a litter of six born to a pair of barn cats. The owner of the cats Called a local breeder of Rex cats, Mrs. The wirehaired male was named Council Rock Farm Adam of Hi-Fi, and the female Tip-Toe of Hi-Fi.
The unique wirehair coat is genetically dominant over a normal coat, the first-born kitten is normally larger and has a thick striped or ringed tail, and is also said to have a strong, healthy heart. Wirehairs shed little, if at all. The second Wirehair is normally less wild and Appears more like a half-wirehair. The Wirehair loves kittens and Will Spend a lot of time with newborn kittens.
American Shorthair
The Life of Animals | American Shorthair | A very athletic cat, American Shorthair has a larger, leaner, and more powerfully built body than its relation, the British Shorthair. American Shorthairs are a pedigreed cat with strict standards and a distinctive appearance, as set by the Various Cat fanciers' Associations worldwide.
Originally known as the Domestic Shorthair, the breed was renamed in 1966 as the "American Shorthair" to better Represent its "all-American" character and to differentiate it from other shorthaired breeds. The name "American Shorthair" also reinforces the notion That the American Shorthair is distinct from non-pedigreed, short-haired cats in the United States A non-pedigreed shorthaired cat (Called a Domestic Shorthair) Might resemble an American Shorthair, just as another non-pedigreed cat Might look like a Siamese, Persian or Maine Coon. The difference, however, is that American Shorthairs are a purebred cat and are Recognized as Such by the Cat fanciers' Association (CFA)
According to the CFA, American Shorthairs are low-maintenance cats That are Generally healthy, easy-going, affectionate and social with owners with Strangers. The most well-known American Shorthair color today is the silver tabby, with dense black markings set on a silver background.
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