Wednesday, December 12, 2012



The Life of Animals | Elk | Early European explorers in North America, who were with the smaller deer Europe think more North America animals such as moose, elk and therefore the name of that is the name of common European elk. Moose is the word American elk Norse, Scandinavian Elgr ELG / elk ALG and German, all of which to the animal in North America known as Moose relate the following. This name will be used primarily for the Asian subspecies (Altai wapiti, Tian Shan wapiti, moose Manchuria and Alashan wapiti), moose Eurasia, because the name is still used by moose. Especially on Caspian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral), a subspecies of deer It is a subspecies of elk in Mongolia called the Altai wapiti (Cervus canadensis sibiricus), also known as maral Altai, Siberia Siberia known moose or elk. Populations vary in shape and size of timber behavior, body size, coloration and mating.

Of the six subspecies of elk known inhabited North America in historical times have four remain, including the Roosevelt (C. canadensis roosevelti), Tule (C. canadensis nannodes), Manitoba (C. canadensis manitobensis) and Rocky Mountain (C. canadensis nelsoni ). Eastern subspecies of elk (C. canadensis) and Merriam Elk (C. canadensis merriami) were described disappeared for at least a four subspecies in Asia are the century Altai Wapiti (C. canadensis sibiricus) and the Tianshan Wapiti (C. canadensis songaricus). Two different subspecies in China and Korea are the Manchurian wapiti (C. canadensis xanthopygus) and Alashan wapiti (C. canadensis alashanicus). The Manchurian wapiti is darker and redder the other populations. Alashan wapiti of north central China is the smallest of all subspecies, has the lightest coloration and is the least investigated. Biologist Valerius Geist, who wrote about the different species of deer in the world, said that there are only three subspecies of elk.

Recent studies suggest that it is not the DNA of more than three or four subspecies of elk. All American forms appear to belong to a subspecies (Cervus canadensis canadensis). Also Siberian elk (Cervus canadensis sibiricus) are more or less identical to the American forms and therefore belong to the subspecies, also. However the Manchurian wapiti (Cervus canadensis xanthopygus) is significantly different differ from the shape Siberia, but not from the Alashan wapitiThe Chinese subspecies are sometimes considered separate species, namely the Asian red deer (Cervus wallichi), which also deals with deer Kashmir Adult elk usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year. If no bull back, grab the timber and fight bulls sometimes erect serious injury. Dominant bulls follow groups of cows during the rut, from August to early winter. A bull will defend his harem of 20 cows or bulls against rivals and enemies. Only males have large harems and breeding success peaks at the age of eight years. Toros young adults keep a harem later in the breeding season than bulls in their prime. A bull can with a harem rarely feeds and lose up to 20 percent of their body weight. When the females are ready to give birth, they tend to isolate themselves from the herd and remain isolated until the calf is large enough to escape predators. Elk calves are as big as an adult white-tailed deer at the age of six months. The gestation period is the same for all subspecies. Elk live 20 years or more in captivity but average 10 to 13 years in the wilderness. Coyote packs feed primarily on elk calves, but sometimes a weakened adult winter. In the vast Yellowstone ecosystem, including Yellowstone National Park, bears are major predators of calves. The main enemies in Asia are the wolf, dhole, brown bear, Siberian tiger, Amur Leopard and Snow Leopard. Lynx and wild boars sometimes hunt for Asian elk calves. Male elk retain their antlers for more than half of the year and are less likely to group with other males when they have antlers.

After the routine, women form large herds of up to 50 people. As is the case with many species of deer, especially in the mountainous regions, elk migrate to higher altitudes is in the spring after snow fell, and the opposite direction in the fall. Hunting pressure also impacts on migration and movements. Roosevelt Elk are usually settled by less seasonal variability of food sources. Numbers Yellowstone elk herd large ecosystem of more than 200,000 people in the spring and fall, to participate in the longest elk migration in the continental U.S. Elk in the south of Yellowstone National Park and national forest around south of the town of Jackson, Wyoming, where the winter for a maximum of six months in the National Elk Refuge. Environmentalists will ensure the herd is fed well in the harsh winters. A large number of elk that live in the ecosystem of the northern Greater Yellowstone lower elevations in Montana to migrate mainly in the north and west. Elk have played an important role in the cultural history of the peoples. Pictographs and petroglyphs of elk were carved into cliffs thousands of years ago by the Anasazi of the southwestern United States youngest Indian tribes, including the Kootenai, Cree, Blackfeet, Ojibwa and Pawnee, produced blankets and fur robes moose. At birth, Lakota men were to promote elk tooth for a long life because it's too bad as the last piece of dead moose. The moose is considered a high level of sexual activity and young Lakota men who had dreamed of elk an image of the mythical representation of the dynamics in their "hands" on the court as a sign of sexual potency have. Neolithic rock carvings from Asia are fewer female moose antlers, which was interpreted as a symbol of rebirth and food. The Rocky Mountain Elk is the official animal of the State of Utah. A picture of a moose and a moose on the state flag of Michigan appear. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) chose the elk as its namesake, as many of its attributes seemed appropriate for the culture of fraternity members.

Elk kept in captivity or kept for the production of venison and velvet collection. All Asian subspecies, as well as other deer have been for their antlers in central and eastern Asia by Han Chinese, Turkic peoples, Tungusic peoples, Mongolians and Koreans raised. Elk farms are relatively common in North America and New Zealand. Modern applications are decorative, but elk skin shoes, gloves and belts are not uncommon. Since 1967, the Boy Scouts of America at the National Elk Refuge staff have assisted in Wyoming by collecting wood that are made every winter. In 2010 2.520 kg (5600 pounds) auction of wood, bringing more than $ 46,000.
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Monday, December 10, 2012



The Life of Animals | Groundhog  | The higher is the marmot Sciuridae in its geographical area, usually 40-65 cm (16-26 inches) long (including 15 cm (6 inches) from the tail) and weighing 2 to 4 kg (4-9 lb). In regions with less natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Adapted to the temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense gray long coat and a bunch of guard hairs that gives the groundhog its distinctive "frozen". 

In regions with less natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Adapted to the temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense gray long coat and a bunch of guard hairs that gives the groundhog its distinctive "frozen".

Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Groundhogs are excellent burrowers, with burrows for sleeping, rearing young, and hibernating. The average groundhog has been estimated to move approximately 1 m3 (35 cubic feet) or 320 kg (710 lb) ground by digging a burrow. Although groundhogs are the most solitary of the marmots, several individuals may occupy the same burrow. Groundhog burrows usually have 2-5 inputs, providing groundhogs principal means of escape from predators. Groundhogs are one of the few species that enter into true hibernation, and often build a "winter burrow" for this purpose separate.

Groundhogs are most of the time during the day. Groundhogs may squeal when fighting, seriously injured or captured by the enemy. Others sounds groundhogs may make are low barks and a sound produced by the grinding of teeth when groundhogs are frightened, the hairs of the tail support, giving the tail looks like a hair brush The breeding season runs from early March to mid or late April, after hibernation. Litter is produced annually, usually containing 5:58-blind, hairless and helpless young. Marmot young are weaned and ready to seek their own burrow 5-6 weeks of age. The groundhog prefers open country and the edges of forests, and rarely far from a burrow entrance.

Groundhogs are often hunted for sport, which tends to control their numbers. Marmots bred in captivity can be socialized relatively easily, but their aggressive nature can pose problems. Doug Schwartz, a zookeeper and groundhog trainer Staten Island Zoo, was quoted as saying. United States and Canada, the annual Groundhog Day gave the recognition and popularity of the marmot, like in the movie of the same name. The best known of these groundhogs are Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil, well maintained, as part of celebrations of Groundhog Day in Wiarton, Ontario and Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, respectively. A marmot famous south, General Beauregard Lee, is based on the Yellow River Game Ranch outside Atlanta, Georgia.

Marmots are used in medical research on liver cancer induced hepatitis B. Marmot burrows have been known to be at least one archaeological site, the site Ufferman in the state of Ohio, United States Although archaeologists have excavated the Ufferman site, many objects were found through activities local marmots. 

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Sunday, December 9, 2012



The Life of Animals | Sailfish | Both species grow rapidly sailboats, reaching 1.2 to 1.5 m (3 ft. 10 in.-4 ft. 10 in.) in length in a single year, and feed on the surface or deep medium and small pelagic feed on squid. This tactic has also been observed during feeding, when a group of sailboat sails use "herd" a school of fish or squid.

Sailfish are highly prized game and fish are known for their incredible jumps and high speed. They can be displayed in a surprising variety of brown and gray subjects purple and silver, too. Sailfish can change their colors change almost instantaneously controlled by the nervous system. The yacht can quickly turn his body blue with yellow stripes when excited, confusing its prey and making capture easier, while signaling its intention to sail colleague Sailfish are two species of fish in the genus Istiophorus living in warmer sections of all the oceans of the world.  

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Queen Angelfish


The Life of Animals | Queen Angelfish | The color adult queen angelfish overall body color can be blue to blue-green with yellow wheels described in its scales. Queen Angelfish is also known to have blue markings around each gill cover. Young people have dark blue bodies with yellow lips, gills and tail and vertical bars ranging in color from blue to white. The colors of young fish to help them integrate into the reef. Queen Angelfish are about three and a half kilos.

The queen angelfish feeds primarily on sponges, but also feeds on jellyfish, tunicates and corals and plankton and algae. Young people serve as "cleaners" and feed on the parasites of larger fish at cleaning stations. Despite having in home aquariums, aquarium made for the queen angelfish diet of meaty foods and algae queen angels inhabit the reef base and are often located near the Florida Keys and Florida in particular, the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico.

Pairs reproduce by rising water, the wombs. Freely anywhere from 25 to 75 thousand eggs each night and up to 10 million eggs per reproductive cycle Eggs are transparent, dynamic and pelagic, floating in the water column. The size of the yolk sac is absorbed after 48 hours, during which the larvae develop normal characteristics of free swimming fish. Larvae are in the water column and feed plankton. The queen angelfish harass other fish without discrimination, in particular, the new additions to the aquarium.
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Monday, December 3, 2012



The Life of Animals | Muskox | Both sexes have long curved horns. Average adult weighs 285 kg (600 lb), and the range of 180-410 kg (400-900 lb). The thick and large head often suggests a larger animal musk oxen and really, bison, musk ox, which is regularly compared, can be up to twice as much. Rare 'white' musk oxen were found in the Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary. Musk oxen are sometimes domesticated for wool, meat and milk. Qiviut wool is valued for its softness, length and insulation value. Musk oxen are native to Arctic regions of Canada, Greenland and the United States. The species was introduced from Iceland Banks in northern Europe, including Sweden. The world population is estimated from 80,000 to 125,000, with an estimated 68,788 living on Banks Iceland. Muskox was successfully introduced in the Taimyr Peninsula in 1975 again.

Musk oxen ate grass pastures arctic woody plants, lichens and mosses. Muskoxen have a high threshold of fat reserves before design, reflecting their conservative breeding strategies. Dig winter camp in the snow surface to reduce total energy costs in the snow to reach food. Musk oxen live in herds that number 12-24 and 8-20 in winter and summer. Muskox have both male and female age hierarchies bills with oxen dominant mature minors. Dominant cattle guard, better access to resources and move subordinates tufts in winter. Muskox bulls assert their dominance in many ways. Shout Bulls swung his head and paws the ground. Tori dominant sometimes treat subordinate bulls like cows. A dominant male accidentally throws one of his subordinates with his foreleg, which are cows during mating.

Some organizations subordinate bull can change the charge state of a dominant male. Coupling (or "rutting") season begins muskox late June or early July. Fighting bulls rub first pre-orbital glands against their legs crying out loud, and then shows the horns of bulls and walk upwards of 20, lowered his head and charged into each other and continue to do so until that when a bull goes. But older people and bulls leave the herd form bachelor groups or become loners. Tori prevent dominant cows from their harems. Herds reassemble when the summer ends. Herds move more frequently when the cows get enough food to feed their children. Cows have a gestation period of 8-9 months with the birth occurring from April to June, cows do not give birth every year. At birth remain the cows in the herd protection. Then begins a calf occasionally eat the vegetation and nurses. Cows and their calves communicate bray.

Musk oxen have characteristic defensive behavior when the herd is threatened, the bulls and the cows are outwardly to form a stationary or semi-circle around the calves. The bulls are usually flock to the first line of defense against predators and cows and young people around. Bulls determine the defensive formation during rutting while the cows decide the rest of the year, Historically, this species has declined due to hunting, but population recovery took place after the implementation of the legislation on hunting. Most populations are in the National Park, where they appear to be protected against hunting muskox in four protected areas of Greenland, found with the indigenous peoples in northern Greenland National Park and three introduced populations in reserves Arnangarnup Qoorua Kangerlussuaq natural and and Manii
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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Two Toed Sloth


The Life of Animals | Two Toed Sloth | As its name implies, have only two toes on their front paws, although, like other sloths have three toes on the hind legs. They are also three-toed sloths. The mother gives birth to a young, while hanging upside down. Two-toed sloths spend most of their lives upside down in the trees. She can not walk, so they prefer to hand to hand, which is extremely slow in one. As primarily nocturnal, is her hair, which grows to mix green algae, their main source of protection depends on the temperature of your body at least partially on the ambient temperature, can not keep warm shake, do as others metabolic rate of mammals because of its exceptionally low power and reduced.


Depending on the cycle of excretion lazy weighed urine and faeces to 30 percent of the body weight of the animal, which is about 6 kg (about 13 pounds). They have small teeth, incisors or canines constantly growing and not true total lack of homology with other mammalian dental formula.
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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rhesus Macaque


The Life of Animals | Rhesus Macaque | The rhesus macaque is brown or gray and has a pink face, which is hairless. Its tail is of medium length and average between 20.7 and 22.9 cm (8.1 to 9.0 inches). Adult males measure about 53 cm (21 inches) on average and weigh about 7.7 kg (17 lbs). The females are smaller, with an average of 47 cm (19 inches) long and 5.3 kg (12 lbs). Rhesus macaques have an average of 50 vertebrae. The rhesus macaque has 32 teeth with a dental formula bilophodont molars. The lower molars also have four cusps: metaconid, protoconid, hypoconid and entoconid. Rhesus monkeys are native to northern India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Afghanistan, Vietnam, southern China and neighboring regions. They have the widest geographic distribution of a non-human primate, occupying a wide range of altitudes throughout Central, South and South-East Asia.

Broadening the range of rhesus macaque a natural process in some regions and a direct consequence of the introduction by humans in other regions has serious implications for the declining populations of endemic and bonnet macaques in southern India Rhesus monkeys are diurnal and arboreal and terrestrial time. During the monsoon season, which derive much of their water from fruits ripe and juicy. Macaques who live far from water sources lick the dew from the leaves and drink the rain water accumulated in tree holes. Drink water when they feed and congregate around streams and rivers. Rhesus monkeys are specialized pockets like the cheeks, which allows them to accumulate temporarily foods.

Rhesus macaques interact with a variety of vocalizations and body postures and facial expressive gestures. Perhaps the most common expression of the face makes Java is the "silent bared teeth" face. During the movements, macaques will "tuba" and "grunts". When foods are rarely high quality macaques makes "chirping", "harmonic arches" or "correction." When at risk, macaques emits a high-pitched sound which he called "sour bark." "Oops", "cry", "twitter", "pants-threats," "growls" and "bark" are used in aggressive interactions. Babies "gecker" to attract the attention of his mother. Adult male macaques seek to maximize their reproductive success by taking wife couples with women, both inside and outside of the breeding season. The females prefer to mate with males that increase the survival of their offspring. So a man marries provides resources for girls and protects them from predators.

Male rhesus macaques were observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, but suffer more injuries during the mating season. Male macaques generally play no part in rearing the young, but they have peaceful relations with their children, couples wife. Mothers with one or more immature girls, and their children are in contact with the younger children of those who have immature older girls and mothers can pass the responsibility of raising their daughters. Children farther from the center of the most vulnerable groups outside infanticide. Some mothers abuse their children, which is supposed to be the result of controlling parenting styles. 

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Golden Eagle


The Life of Animals | Golden Eagle | The golden eagle is a large raptor dark brown brimmed. Its size is variable, ranging from 66 to 102 cm (26-40 inches) long and has a typical size of 1.8 to 2.34 m (5.9 to 7.7 feet). Smaller subspecies (A. c. Japonensis), with a weight of sexes and 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) 3.25 kg (7.2 lb). In general, the species, the males are about 3.6 kg (7.9 lb) and females are about 5.1 kg (11 lb). Tarsal feathers range from white to dark brown. In addition, some white birds "shoulder" at the top of each shoulder pen tube. Upper wing feathers occasionally as white kittens or birds have no white wings are complete. Most of the others are much smaller birds of prey, including hawks Buteo this. Maybe more like the golden eagle in structure between small prey Buteos generally well below paler. Just a few of the Old World vultures and the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) (among others coexists This eagle birds of prey) are significantly larger, with longer wings and larger prisoners, usually in more uniform color models and often radically different. Compared to the golden eagles Haliaeetus is generally longer tail and the head is significantly lower with broad wings are more or less shaped falcon board.

The eagle Haliaeetus more strongly striated in its juvenile phase, gold has a strong golden brown. Differ from other Aquila eagles in Eurasia is a major problem identification. This identification may be based on the relatively long tail designs in gold or gray and white on the wings and tail. Aquila longer looking darker plumage, a slightly smaller Tawny Eagle (A. rapax) is brighter than the golden eagle. The Imperial Oriental (A. heliaca) and the Spanish imperial eagle (A. adalberti) are almost as large as the golden eagle Aquila between Eurasia, but are distinguished by their long neck, wings flat flight, shoulder covers white top and usually dark in color. Verreaux's Eagle (A. verreauxii) are similar in size and shape to gold, but are almost entirely black (except for a little white in the main wing) and unknown plumage occur with the eagle in Africa. In the genus Aquila, the wings and tail set Wedge-tailed Eagle (A. audax) Golden Eagle is greater than the average size and length.

The largest number of eagles in the mountain areas is today, with many eagles do most of their hunting and nest in the rocks. Golden Eagles usually nest in abandoned areas where human disturbance is minimal and often avoid crowded places during the year. The golden eagle is one of the most powerful birds of prey in the world. When prey is detected, the eagle catch a line in the hope that his prey or is involved in a car chase faster. If birds can participate in an agile tail-chase (Accipiter like hawks) and occasionally to catch birds in flight. Escape the powerful claws eagle provide water few people can once contact is established. While exhibiting strong local preferences for certain prey, eagles are opportunistic, and especially nearly all small to medium sized animal before, if found. Approximately 200 species of mammals and birds have been recorded as prey eagle. Prey selection largely depends on local availability and abundance of prey. Most victims are almost half the weight of the eagle predator, prey to the normal weight range from 0.5 to 4 kg (01.01 pounds recorded 08.08), although this is sometimes eagles fly with prey equal or slightly heavier than its own weight (4-7 kg (8.8 to 15 pounds). In the North American study, mammals comprised 83.9% of the diet of eagles.

Ungulate species are taken too young. For juvenile eagle, eagle eagles wintering reproduce or those who could not, can prey may be less important than the latter. For those who make their nests and the birds of prey are large enough, which can be left and will be returned Eagles have prey ungulates exceptionally wild in these circumstances weighs 30 kg (66 pounds) or more, as an adult deer ( Capreolus capreolus). Recent cases in which Golden Eagle attack caught on camera rare loot was a great white made an unsuccessful attack on a large adult (Odocoileus virginianus) and included a successful attack on an adult male coyote (Canis latrans). See YouTube videos in Mongolia Golden Eagles work alone or together to wolves and foxes to end if prey can disable this screen already formed. It is a confirmed report of a Golden Eagle pulls a teddy bear brown bear (Ursus arctos).

By mammals, secondary important prey group for eagles are other birds. Galliformes different (largely phasianids and grouse) are the main prey bird. Eagles are predators of birds, it is a healthy adult is not prey. There are records of golden eagles killing and eating other birds of prey such as falcons (Falco rusticolus), Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and Buteo hawks and adults, young and eggs. In one case, a golden eagle in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) nest fly struck and killed by a falcon swooping father is a setback for the hawks and eagles more often dominant (and a predator can of them). Frequently kleptoparasitize golden eagles or steal prey from other birds of prey. Even though it is not as large as some vultures, eagles tend to be more aggressive and are able to conduct vultures (including body types much larger) and other birds of prey or carrion kill. Interspecific competition occurs regularly with great eagle, Haliaeetus all Eagle (H. albicilla) and Calvo (H. leucocephalus). Although these other eagles (not really related to gold) is generally less active predators, are of comparable size depends on strength and toughness of the eagle and victory in this conflict on the size and disposition of individuals instead of eagles.

Many other types of prey can supply. In Southern Europe, Turkmenistan and other arid turtles are a popular prey. Other prey includes secondary amphibians, fish (consumed regularly in Southeast Asia, but usually removed) and even large insects such as beetles. During the winter months, when recording live prey is scarce, Golden Eagles own carrion. Eagles mate for life in general. In the western United States may designate zones eagle nest 22 to 33 square miles may vary, while preserving the northernmost areas of nesting can be up to 39 square kilometers. Old nests can be 2 meters (3.3 feet) in height, as the eagles repair their nests whenever necessary and whenever. (6.6 feet) in diameter and 1 m If the nest is in a tree, the branches breaking load due to the weight of the nest. Some birds and mammals are too small to be in the interest of large raptor nest often shelter. Their enemies are the perfect size for Golden Eagle prey, and therefore avoid active nests. The independent variable can reach parents 32-80 days after fledging young. Because the Eagles defensive ferocity, the golden eagle predation is rare, even with eggs and small chicks. The only known predators of nests of golden eagles are wolverine and grizzly bears. Although a high percentage of dying in their first year, eagles can survive to adulthood live longer. In some cases, wild eagle and 28-32 years in captivity have survived the age of 46.
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Carolina Wren


The Life of Animals | Carolina Wren | The head has a striking white eyebrow (eyebrow) and a whitish throat. It is easy to confuse with Bewick's Wren, a parent close enough, it differs in being smaller, but with a longer tail, more gray-brown above and white below. Carolina Wrens and Black-browed Wren House differ in being larger, with a bill culmen decidedly fingers and back them up a notch behind the tip. The Carolina Wren is known for his deep voice, popularly translated as "Tea Kettle". A bird sings usually given several different songs. Only males sing their song box. The songs vary regionally, with birds singing on the northern slower than the southern regions. The Carolina Wren also has a series of calls, including a rapid series of notes in a similar tone to his singing, as a warning and a reprimand serious and strong call to threaten intruders.

The Carolina Wren is sensitive to cold. Because they do not migrate and remain in a territory, the population of North Carolina wrens decrease markedly after harsh winters. The populations of Canada and the northern United States after crash regularly experience harsh winters, high agricultural productivity but soon led to a return to a higher number. In winter, sometimes eat seeds, berries and other small fruits. These birds prefer sites with dense undergrowth, in mixed forests or forests on the outskirts, in a natural or artificial cavity. The nest is a large structure, often dome-shaped, with a small hole in the top. Couples can mate for life.

The eggs are oval, gray-white, reddish-brown freckles. Bald chicks are born blind, and dependent parents to fly. Both males and females feed the young. He farmed for a short time after hatching, the young leave in a warm, down-lined nest while feeding adults. 

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue Jay


The Life of Animals | Blue Jay | The Blue Jay measures 22-30 cm (9-12 inches) of bill to tail and weighs 70-100 g (2.5 to 3.5 oz), with a wingspan of 34-43 cm (13-17 inches) weight. If the bird feeds among other jays or resting, the crest is flattened to the head. Its plumage is lavender-blue to mid-blue on top, back, wings and tail, and his face is white. On the sides of the head The primary wing and tail are excluded black, blue and white. As with most other birds blue tones of blue pigments not derived Jay, but is the result of the interference of light due to the internal structure of the feathers, if a blue feather is crushed, the blue disappears because the structure has been destroyed.

The Blue Jay occurs from southern Canada through the Eastern Europe and Central America south to northeast Florida and Texas. Since the ranges of the two species overlap now, C. cristata sometimes hybridize with Steller's Jay.Migration during the day in informal groups from 5 to 250 birds. In all parts of its range Jay's youth are more likely to migrate than adults, but many adults also migrate. Some people jay south 1 year, stay north the next winter, then south again next year. Is probably related to the weather and can cause as abundant food sources in winter, even the northern birds are not necessarily move south.

The Blue Jay takes a variety of habitats within its range, from the pine forests of Florida to the spruce forests of northern Ontario. It is less abundant in the dense forests, prefer mixed forests of oak and beech. He skillfully combined adapted to human activity occurring in parks and residential areas, and can adapt to major deforestation with relative ease if human activity creates other means to get the Blue Jays The Blue Jay is a passerine strong, bold and aggressive. Virtually all raptors sympatric distribution with Blue Jays may precede, especially specialists hunting birds such as hawks Accipiter quickly. May be preceded by several predators, the eggs and young Jay in its infancy, including squirrels, snakes, cats, crows, raccoons, opossums, jays and perhaps many other raptors attack the same adults.

Blue Jays can be beneficial to other species of birds, birds of prey such as hawks and owls, and continue to scream when they see a predator in their territory. Sometimes the identity calls raptors, especially Red-tailed hawks and red shoulders, perhaps to test whether a hawk is nearby, but perhaps also on other birds that may come into contact. Scare competition for food resources It can also be compared to people who approach their nests, perches and if an owl in the vicinity of the nest during the day Jay blue mobs aggressive until he takes a new roost. However, the Blue Jays have also been known to attack and kill other birds. Jays are very territorial birds, and other pursuits of a feeder for an easy meal. In addition, the blue jay attack the nests of other birds, eggs, chicks and nest predation.

Jays, like other corvids, are very inquisitive and intelligent birds considered. Jays have strong black bills for cracking nuts and acorns, often while his feet, and the food uses corn, grains and seeds. Cache Tiles food sometimes, although the extent varies considerably between individuals. Although seemingly controversial in its general behavior, the Blue Jays are often subordinated to other medium-sized birds that visit the feeder. In Florida, the Blue Jays were gray squirrel feeder Eastern Florida Scrub-Jays, Common Grackles and Red-headed Woodpecker, all of which were uncommon to prevent food Jays aggressive dominated. The tiles are not nest very picky. Also suitable nests of other birds of medium size, provided that they are placed in the right places, the American robins' nests are often used by the Toronto Blue Jays, for example. Tiles usually monogamous relationships for life. Both sexes build the nest and raise their young, but not female offspring. The male feeds the female while she incubates the eggs. Juveniles nesting pulls the family and also feeds into the early fall, when the young birds disperse to avoid competition for food in winter.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lake Sturgeon


The Life of Animals | Lake Sturgeon | The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is a freshwater fish in North America hot, one of about 20 species of sturgeon. The fish uses its elongated nose, like a shovel to mix the sand and silt in the beds of rivers and lakes in the diet. The fish is remarkable in part because of its interference lake size can achieve a total weight exceeding 190 kg (396 pounds) and a length of more than 3 meters (9 feet) along its long life. This species is found in southern Mississippi River basin in Alabama and Mississippi. It occurs in the Great Lakes and east of the St. Lawrence River to the freshwater limit. In the west it joins Lake Winnipeg and the North and South Saskatchewan River. This distribution is logical that all these policy areas in the Great Lakes were formed when glaciers retreated from North America at the end of the last glaciation (eg, Lake Agassiz, Lake Iroquois).

Lake disturb buds on and around its barbels near its rubbery lips, gripping. Since there are a large species that survives by feeding on very small species, their feeding ecology in relation to that of large marine animals such as whales, living in filter feeding. It interferes with a valuable food fish gourmet, and even the validity of certain products such as caviar and isinglass. Few people reach extreme old age or size than previous generations often. Today, limiting the fishing season for sturgeon permitted in some areas, including some locations in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Sturgeon fishing is allowed on Black Lake in Michigan, for example, but fishing is limited to five total fish taken each year, more than 36 inches (910 mm) and in the ice with spears.

Fishermen in Minnesota has the opportunity to harvest a lake interferes calendar year between 45 and 50 inches of Rainy River and Lake of the Woods, to the Canadian border. Anglers must have a valid fishing Minnesota and buy a sturgeon tag to harvest a lake sturgeon. There is also a worrying spearing season on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin annually. He spent one season in the last 16 days of a remarkable season with a quota, but the season can still claim full 16 days. In 2012 was the largest sturgeon ever harvested on Lake Winnebago (female) 125 years, weighed 240 kg and measures 87.5 inches long. It bothers are also present in Quebec St. Lawrence River, where it is fished commercially.  

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