Saturday, April 21, 2012

Black Panther

The Life of Animals | Black Panther |  The fur color is a mixture of blue, black, gray and purple. Melanistic leopards are the most common form of black panther in captivity and were retained for decades in the zoo of exotic animals and crafts. Blacks leopards are smaller and lighter than the normally pigmented individuals and built 'a myth that blacks leopards are often rejected by their mothers at an early age because of their color. According to Funk and Wagnalls Wildlife Encyclopedia  captive leopards blacks are less fertile than normal leopards, with average size of waste 1.8 and 2.1, respectively. In early 1980, Glasgow Zoo acquired a 10 years black leopard, nicknamed the Cobweb Panther, from Dublin Zoo. This leopard had a uniformly black coat profusely sprinkled with white hairs as though draped with spider webs.

Consequently, blacks jaguars can produce black or spotted cubs, but a pair of spotted jaguar can only produce spotted cubs. The gene is completely dominant individuals with two copies of the allele are darker (the black background color is more dense) of individuals with one copy whose background color may appear dark charcoal rather than black. The black jaguar was considered a separate species by indigenous peoples. W H Hudson wrote The jaguar is a beautiful creature, the ground color of the hair of a rich golden-red tan, abundantly marked with blacks rings, enclosing one or two small spots inside. This is the typical color, and varies slightly in temperate regions, the hot region the Indians recognize three strongly marked varieties, which they regard as distinct species - the one described, the smaller jaguar, less aquatic in his habits and marked with spots , not rings, and, thirdly, the black variety. They explore the idea that their terrible "black tiger" is a mere melanic variation, like the black leopard of the Old World and the wild black rabbit. They regard it as entirely distinct, and affirm that it is larger and much more dangerous than the spotted jaguar, who recognized him by his cry, which belongs to the land rather than the water side, finally, that black pairs with black, and the cubs are invariably black.


A black jaguar named "Diablo" was inadvertently crossed with a lioness named "Lola" at the Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuary in Barrie, Canada The children had a black female jaglion coal and a tan-colored, male jaglion spotted. It therefore seems that the jaguar melanism gene is also dominant color normal lion (the black jaguar sire was presumably carrying the black on one allele). In preserved, stuffed, blacks leopards often fade to a rusty color, but blacks jaguars fade to chocolate brown. There is wide consensus among breeders and biologists that the animal does not exist blacks cougars have been reported in Kentucky and Carolina. There were also reports of pumas shiny blacks from Kansas, Texas and eastern Nebraska These have come to be known as the "North American Black Panther". Black Panthers in the American system in south-east relief Choctaw folklore where, along with the owl, are often thought to symbolize death.

under The name of cougar black head is quite similar to that of the common cougar but the animal has long hair, blacks, and so a long tail, with strong whiskers He weighs not much above forty pounds The female gives birth its young in the hollows of old trees. 180 According to his translator Smellie (1781), the description was taken from two black cougars exhibited in London some years before.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Red Panda

The Life of Animals | Red Panda | The length of the head and body of medium red pandas from 56 to 63 cm (22 to 25), and their tails about 37-47 cm (15-19). Males weigh 3.7 to 6.2 kg (8.2 to 14 lbs) and females 4.2 to 6.0 kg (9.3 to 13 lb). They have a long and soft reddish brown fur on the upper parts, blackish fur on lower parts, and a light face with tear marks and robust cranial-dental features. The legs are black and short thick fur on the soles of the feet. This fur is used as thermal insulation on snow-covered or ice surfaces and hides scent glands that are also present on the anus The Red Panda is specialized as a bamboo feeder with strong, curved and sharp semi-retractile claws standing inward to grasp tree branches narrow leaves and fruit. When descending a tree headfirst, the red panda ankle rotates to control his descent, one of the few species of climbing to do.

The Red Panda is endemic in temperate forests of the Himalayas and the beaches of western Nepal foothills of China to the east. Its eastern boundary is the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province in China. Its range includes southern Tibet, Sikkim and Assam in India, Bhutan, the mountains of northern Burma, and south-west China, in the Hengduan Mountains in Sichuan and the mountains of Gongshan in Yunnan. The range of the red panda must be considered individually rather than continuous. An isolated population in Meghalaya Plateau north India. In a survey in the 1970s, signs of red pandas were found in Nepal's reservation Dhorpatan hunting. Their presence was confirmed in spring 2007, when four red pandas have been sighted at altitudes ranging from 3220 to 3610 m (10,560 à 11,840 ft). The red panda lives between 2200 and 4800 meters (7200 and 15,700 m) above sea level, living in areas of moderate temperature between 10 and 25 ° C / 50 ° F and 77, with little annual variation. It prefers mountainous mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, especially with old trees and dense understory of bamboo.

The effective population size of the population of Sichuan is larger and more stable than the population of Yunnan, which implies a southward expansion from Sichuan to Yunnan. In August 2010, archaeologists discovered fossil red panda remains in Washington County in the U.S. state of Tennessee. The red panda became extinct Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Gansu, Shaanxi and Qinghai. Red pandas are able to breed at about 18 months of age, and are fully mature at 2-3 years. Adults rarely interact in the wild, except for mating. Both sexes may mate with more than one partner during the mating season from mid-January to early days March.A shortly before birth, females begin to gather material, such as brush, grass and leaves, to build a nest, which is normally located in a hollow tree or a rock crevice. After birth, the mother cleans small and can then be identified by their smell.

Red pandas are territorial. Adults are solitary except during mating season. Shortly after waking, red pandas clean their fur like a cat, licking their paws and then rubbing their back, stomach and sides. They also rub his back and belly along the sides of trees or rocks. Red pandas can be alternatively use their paws to bring food to their mouths or place food directly in the mouth Predators include the red panda, snow leopard, the marten (weasel), and humans.


The Life of Animals | Kiang | The Kiang is the largest of the wild ass, with an average shoulder height of 13.3 hands (55 inches, 140 inches). Kiang has very little sexual dimorphism, with males weighing 350 to 400 kg (770 to 880 pounds), while the females 250 to 300 kg (550 to 660 pounds) in weight. The fur is a rich chestnut brown, dark brown in the winter and a sleek reddish brown in late summer, when the animal molts its woolly fur. The summer coat is 1.5 centimeters long and the winter coat is twice as long. A broad, dark chocolate-colored dorsal stripe extends from the end of the mane to the tail ends in a tuft of black hair brown The Eastern Kiang is the largest subspecies, the Southern Kiang is the smallest. The Kiang West is slightly smaller than the eastern and also has a dark coat.

Kiang inhabit alpine meadows and steppes Country 2700-5300 meters (8900 ft and 17,400) in height. They prefer relatively flat plateaus, wide valleys and rolling hills, dominated by grasses, sedges and small amounts of other low-lying vegetation. If there is little grass available, such as during winter or in the drier edges of their natural habitat, they were observed to eat shrubs, herbs, roots and even Oxytropis, dug from the ground. Kiang defend by forming a circle and throw out violently with his head down. As a result wolves usually attack single animals who have removed from the group. Kiang occasionally congregate in large herds, which may be numbered several hundred persons. Older males are usually solitary defend a territory of about 0.5 to 5 square kilometers (0.19 to 1.9 square miles) of rivals, and dominated all local groups of women.

Kiang link between late July and late August, when around older men's reproductive females rather trot around them, and then chasing them prior to mating. Foals weigh up to 35 kg (77 lb) at birth, and are able to walk within a few hours. Kiang live up to 20 years in the wilderness. The Kiang is closely associated with the onager (Equus hemionus) used in some classifications it is considered a subspecies of E. hemionus kiang. Kiang can onager, horses, donkeys, and zebras crossing to Burchell's in captivity, though, as mules, the resulting offspring are sterile. Kiang has never been domesticated.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The Life of Animals | Stonefish | The vernacular name of the species, the stone fish, comes from the stonefish ability to camouflage with a mottled gray and color to the color of a similar stone. If the stone fish is disturbed, it can inject a toxic amount proportional to the amount of pressure applied to it. Is the type species of the genus Synanceia verrucosa, and it contains the species described as Synanceia horrida Scorpaena Linnaeus. The authors Synanceia Marcus Eliezer Bloch and Johann Gottlob Schneider in his edition of Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus CX illustratum (illustrated catalog of the fish) are, in 1801.  There were reports of unproven arthritis affected by an improved mobility and reduction of joint pain experience after envenomation episode.  Recommended treatments include the application of heat to the affected area and antidote.

Titan Beetle

The Life of Animals | Titan Beetle | Adults can be up to 6.5 inches (16.7 cm) long. Of all known bugs, is the Hercules beetle Dynastes hercules, can sometimes grow into those huge males to 7 inches (more than 17.5 cm) longer than the Titan, but the Hercules beetle males have a huge horn on the pronotum and thorax make up about half its total length. As such, the body of the beetle titanium is substantially greater than that of the Hercules beetle. In it, an adult specimen of American entomologist, the late Frank Hovore found and returned to Oxford University. A famous "life-size" photo of a supposed larva of the beetle, which appeared in the magazine National Geographic, a whole page to fill, but it was cervicornis from another kind of bug, possibly Macrodontia. The adults defend themselves by hissing in warning, and have sharp spines and strong jaws.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Red Fox

The Life of Animals | Red Fox | Red foxes have elongated bodies and relatively short members. The tail, which is longer than half the length of the body (70% of the head and the length of the body), is long, soft and reaches the ground when in a standing position. Vixens have three pairs of teats, if vixens with 7, 9 or 10 pairs are not uncommon. The male testes are smaller than those of foxes. Sexual dimorphism of the skull is more pronounced than in foxes Corsac, women with red foxes tend to smaller than average skulls than males, with larger areas nasal and hard palate, as well as having more canines. Red foxes are the largest species of the genus Vulpes. However, relative to the size, red foxes are much lighter than dogs of similar size of the genus Canis. Ears measured 7.7-12.5 cm (3-5 inches) and the hind feet 12-18.5 cm (5-7 inches). They weigh 2.2 to 14 kg (4.9 to 31 lb), with vixens weighing on average 15-20% less than men. Adult dog foxes have skulls measuring from 129 to 167 mm, while those measuring 128-159 mm vixens. Printing forefoot is 60 mm long and 45 mm wide, while the rear foot print is 55 mm long and 38 mm wide.

North American red foxes are generally lightweight, with relatively long bodies for their mass and have a high degree of sexual dimorphism. British Red foxes are strongly built, but short-lived, while continental Europe red foxes are closer to the average among populations of red foxes. The biggest red fox on record in Britain was a 17.2 kg (38.1 lb), 1.4 m long, the men killed in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in early 2012 The winter fur is dense, soft, silky and relatively long. Foxes in northern fur is very long, dense and soft, but is shorter, coarser and rarer forms in the south. Among the foxes in the North, North American varieties generally have more silky hair care, while most of Eurasia red foxes have coarser fur. There are three forms of color, red, silver / black cross (see Changes). A band of weak, diffuse models many reddish-brown-brown hair occurs along the spine. The remaining surface lower body is black, brown or reddish. During lactation, the belly fur of foxes may be red brick. The upper parts are rusty-reddish members, while the legs are black. The front of the face and upper neck is clear brownish-red rust, while the upper lips are white. The top of the tail is reddish brown, but lighter in color than the back and flanks.

The tail tip is white The red fox is to establish stable home ranges within specific areas or are itinerant, homeless They use their urine to mark territory. Red foxes live in family groups that share a common territory. In favorable habitats and / or areas with low hunting pressure, foxes subordinates may be present in a range. Fox ratings may number 1-2, sometimes up to 8 on a territory. Non-breeding vixens keep, play, groom, delivery and recovery kits, an example of kin selection. Red foxes may leave their families once they reach adulthood if the odds of winning a territory of their own are high. Red foxes reproduce once a year in spring. Two months before estrus (usually in December), reproductive organs vixens change shape and size. The gestation period lasts 49-58 days, although foxes are largely monogamous [citation needed], DNA evidence of population reported high levels of polygyny, incest and paternity litters mixed. Subordinate vixens may become pregnant, but usually fail to pug, or who killed their kits postpartum or by the dominant female or other subordinates. The average litter size is composed of four to six kits, but litters of up to 13 kits took place. Large spans are typical in areas where mortality is high fox. Kits are born blind, deaf and toothless, with the fluffy fur dark brown. At birth, they weigh 56 to 110 g and measures 14.5 cm in body length and 7.5 cm long tail.

Coat color begins to change to 3 weeks of age, when the line appears black eye. Meanwhile, their erect ears and noses elongated. The lactation period lasts 6-7 weeks.Their woolly layers begin to be coated by shiny guard hairs after 8 weeks of age 3-4 months, the kits are long legs, chest narrow and winding. They reach adult proportions at age 6-7 months. ed fox body language consists of movements of the ears, tail and postures, with their marks on the body, concentrating on certain things. Curious fox will turn and shake the ears while sniffing. Individuals play their ears will perk up and on their hind legs. Foxes males court females, or after successfully expelling intruders, will turn their ears to the outside, and raise their tails in a horizontal position, with the guidance raised upward. When frightened, red foxes smile in the bid, arching their backs, their bodies bending, squatting legs and lashing their tails back and forth with their ears pointing backwards and pressed against their skulls. Submitted foxes will approach the dominant animals in a low posture, so that their noses in greeting achieve. When you launch an attack authoritarian, red fox approached directly rather than on the side, with their tails in the air and ears turned sideways. During the fighting, the Red Foxes will take on each other's bodies with their upper forelegs, using threats to open mouth. Red foxes are omnivores with a very varied diet.

Red foxes readily eat plant material and parts, fruit can reach 100% of their diet in the fall. Red foxes prefer to hunt in the early morning hours before sunrise and late at night. Red foxes can sometimes commit acts of surplus killing, during a breeding season, four foxes were reported to have killed around 200 seagulls each, with peaks during the dark hours when the wind conditions flight were unfavorable. Red foxes seem to dislike the taste of moles, but still catch them alive and present them to their children as toys. Red foxes are the most important vector against rabies in Europe. Foxes can be infected with leptospirosis and tularemia, if they are not too sensitive to it. Individual cases of foxes infected with Bacillus pestis are known. Red foxes are not too infested with fleas. Species such as cuniculi Spilopsyllus are probably only took prey species of fox, while others such as e Archaeopsylla. Chips that actively feed on red foxes are Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis and Paraceras melis. Ticks such as Ixodes ricinus and I. hexagonus are not uncommon in foxes, and are usually found on foxes and nursing kits still in their land. The louse Trichodectes vulpis specifically target foxes but rarely found. The mite Sarcoptes scabiei is the leading cause of scabies in red foxes.  Up to 60 species of helminths are known to infect foxes in fur farms, while 20 are known in the wild. The most common tapeworm in foxes are Taenia and T. spiralis pisiformis. Eleven species of trematodes infect red foxe

Friday, April 13, 2012

Common Treeshrew

The Life of Animals | Common Treeshrew | The common treeshrew is one of the largest among treeshrews. Average body length is between 16-21 cm (6.3-8.3 in), and average weight is around 190g, with varying colors of reddish brown, greyish or black upper parts and whitish belly. Both sexes are similar. The measurements of the Tupaia glis According to 21 specimens are head-to-body length: 170mm to 235mm, tail length: 170mm to 242mm and Hind foot: 45mm to 56mm.The common treeshrew Usually has a Pale stripe on each shoulder. There are two subspecies T.g. longipes and T.g. salatana, with T.g. longipes being duller in coloration than T.g. salatana. The underparts and underside of the tail are dark reddish in salatana. Similar species are Tupaia splendidula and Tupaia montana. Common treeshrews occur south of about 10 ° N latitude in southern Thailand through Malaysia although less severely and Adjacent coastal island to Singapore. In Indonesia, for hire are found on the island of Siberut, Batu, Sumatra, Java, Bangka, Java, Linga and hire Usually Anambas, thus are found in primary dipterocarp forest, but are tolerant to some degree of habitat Modification. They have also been Recorded from secondary forest, Plantations, Orchards and fruit trees near housing areas.

Common treeshrews inhabit protected areas, including Pasoh Forest Reserve on the Malay Peninsula and Krau Wildlife Reserve Both sexes are of common sexually treeshrews mature at the age of about 3 months. In captiity, females give birth for the first time at the age of about 4.5 months, usually in February. A postpartum oestrus results in more births in April. Females suckle young THEIR every other day, and neglect as long as young THEIR Possible. Juveniles leave the nest between 25 to 35 days of age. From October to December, common treeshrews are reproductively inactive. The mating season starts at the onset of the monsoon season in December and lasts until February. Oestrus oestrus and pre-adult behavior is characterized by adult males pursuing females. Males emit chattering, and appear to be extremely excited. Females do not actively choose a partner among male participants of the chases. The main period of mortality or emigration of young Sulawesi is the breeding period or monsoon.

Adult males are more secretory than females and juveniles. In the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, mean home ranges of adult males were Estimated at 10.174 m2 (109.510 sq ft), of adult females at 8.809 m2 (94.820 sq ft), of juvenile males at 7.527 m2 (81.020 sq ft), and of juvenile females at 7.255 m2 (78.090 sq ft), with partial overlaps between male and female ranges varying from 0.4% to 56.8%. Home ranges of adult Residents of the same sex overlap to a lesser degree than Those of opposite sexes. Long heavy tail dark grayish brown and nearly reaching to the body. Bare feet with sharp nails, and there is a bare patch of skin on the nose length. Measure in accordance with 21 specimens of Tupaia glis is head-to-body length: 170mm to 235mm, tail length: 170mm to 242mm and the rear leg: 45mm for normal kencong 56mm.The usually have pale band on each. Of a dull buff underparts longipes to reddish buff, and under tail greyish. The underparts and under tail dark reddish salatana. The same species are Tupaia splendidula and Tupaia montana.

Subspecies T.g. longipes occurred in northern Borneo, in Sarawak, and in East Kalimantan, including Sabah. Subspecies T.g. salatana occur in the Rajang River and south of the Kayan River in Borneo. Normal snout inhabit protected areas, including the Pasoh Forest Reserve in the Malay Peninsula and Wildlife Reserve Both sexes normal snout at the age of sexual maturity about 3 months. Normal kencong captive longevity was recorded as 12 years and 5 months.The mating season begins in early wet season in December and lasts until February. Behavioral oestrus and ovulation is characterized by pre-adult male chasing adult women. Inactive women choose partners among the boys chase. Gain access to the dominant male femaleIn the tropical rainforest in West Malaysia, the density of normal snout differs from about 2-5 animals per hectare. Some females breed more than once a season, and age at first pregnancy was seven months. The main period of migration or death of the young in the breeding period or during the monsoon season.

Normal snout active during the day, and food for the food alone or in pairs, especially on the ground, between shrubs and tree hollows. They eat fruits, seeds, leaves and insects, especially ants and spiders. Adult male more than female-producing and juveniles. A range of overlap between an adult male and one female adult high indicates that they form a stable pair. Range adjacent to the Juvenile whether sex or overlap with the range of adults, suggesting that juvenile family members. Juvenile male departure from the territory of their families ahead of the juvenile female's range may include the ranges of two or three females. A high overlap between ranges of one adult male and one adult female hire Indicates That form a stable pair. Juvenile sex ranges of either adjoin or overlap with ranges of adults, suggesting That the juveniles are family members. Individuals of the same sex are Involved in aggressive territorial chases.Juvenile males depart from THEIR family's territory sooner than juvenile females


The Life of Animals | Aardwolf | The aardwolf looks something like a small striped hyena. They have a slender snout, ears, used sharper in the hunt for termites, harvester, black vertical stripes on a coat of yellowish fur and a long, distinct mane along the midline of the neck and back pain, which is raised during a confrontation at the aardwolf appear larger. It is 55-80 cm (22-31 inches) long, excluding the bushy 20-30 cm (8-12 inch) tail, stands about 40-50 cm (16-20 inches) at the shoulder and weighs between 9 and 14 kg (20-31 lb). Its front feet have five toes, unlike other hyenas which have four toes. It has two glands at the back that secrete a liquid musk to mark territory and communicate with other aardwolves.

The aardwolf lives on open, dry plains and bushland, avoiding mountainous areas. Due to its special nutritional needs, the animal only in regions where termites of the family found Hodotermitidae occur. Termites of this family depend on dead and dry grass and are most populous in heavily grazed grasslands and savannahs, including farmland. Most of the time of the year aardwolves spend time in common areas, consisting of up to a dozen dens are the occupied for six weeks at a time.  Aardwolves are shy and nocturnal, sleeping in underground burrows by day. At night aardwolf can consume up to 200,000 harvester termites using its sticky, long tongue. Unlike other hyenas, white aardwolves not catch or kill larger animals.

The adult is mainly aardwolf solitary confinement while in search of food, necessary because of the scarcity and homogeneous distribution of their prey. Young aardwolves usually reach sexual maturity after two years, and the incubation period varies depending on location, but is usually in the fall or spring. During the breeding season, unpaired male is aardwolves seek their own territory and the other to mate with a female. Dominant males mate with females and opportunistic less dominant neighboring aardwolves.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hairy Armadilo

The Life of Animals | Hairy Armadilo | Male armadillo 265 to 419 millimeters (10.4 to 16.5) with an average of 328 to 376 millimeters in length to female ranges, the average length (14.8 in) with 400 mm (12,9 in 16) up to a length of 368 millimeters (14.5 in) long. The female weight range of 814 mg (1.126 with an average weight of 257 grams (9.1 to 39.7 in Australia) but not male, 860 g (30, Australia) with an average of 543 to 1,329 grams (19.2 to 46.9, Australia) in Australia between the sash 28.7). There are numerous long bristly hairs covering the back of the shield;; animal beginning with the number of polygon Shield "convex forehead, the Gray explained.  The other armadillo species of armadillos have more hair growth. Six of the eight movable bands in which the band has 18 armadillo. dorsum of hair color is light brown.

Screaming hairy armadillo burrowing armadilo height is reduced to a dry area. An isolated population of eastern Buenos Aires province in Argentina. Its natural habitats subtropical or tropical dry forests, temperate shrubland, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, temperate grassland, subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland, hot deserts, temperate desert, arable land, grassland, and plantations have. Armadillo burrow, where it can not be found in the reef areas. Usually armadillo burrows beneath bushes and shrubs.

No animal in its burrow to build a nest in its burrow, the animal spends most of its time foraging at the time it's not paradise. Armadillo is omnivorous and its diet varies considerably depending on the season, insects, vertebrates and plant material (Prosopis especially in the cells) in the world. Produce two litters a year, 9 months and sexually mature armadillos. Parts of the Chaco region in Bolivia for more than the armadillo is hunted for its meat. It is Coastal Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, disjunct population of the adverse impacts of mining activities.

Pink Fairy Armadillo

The Life of Animals | Pink Fairy Armadillo | Except for a pink fairy armadillo tail length of approximately 90-115 mm (3.5-4.5 inches),, and the pink-colored or pink. Ant colonies in dry soil near the burrows of small holes, and the ants and ant larvae near its burrow is important to provide. Most of the land, as well as the opportunity to swim through the water, sand and shake it uses a large front claws. This is a torpedo-shaped, and coated with sand to avoid conflict with the head.

The armadillo, both national and provincial legislatures, particularly in Lihué Calel National Park there are a number of protected areas to protect species, is found.

The Amazon River Dolphin

Animal Eyes | The Amazon River Dolphin | The Amazon River dolphin has been added to the ocean and the river dolphin is a paraphyletic clade botos made a fist. Sitas iyan regular basis, however, a large, freshwater dolphins, humans, trees, a large whale, the cost of their lives. Females are usually larger than males. 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and about 98.5 kg (217 lb), the length of the female Amazon River dolphin, tukavirabahudu. 2.0 m (6.6 ft) and about 94 kg (210 lb), length of adult male dolphin, tukavirabahudu. Have long beaks, according to the teeth - they were 24, 34 on each of the jaws and jaw are conical The Amazon River dolphin is found throughout the Amazon and Orinoco. Especially in lowland rivers, which is abundant in a broad. Rivers, forests and marshes of the annual monsoon floods a large amount of their banks.

The water level dropped, a wild dolphin in the main river channels or lakes, or move to a larger, less water and prey on their profits. A traditional folk, the night, an Amazon River dolphin, girls seduces, impregnates them in the Amazon River, a beautiful young man, and then again in the morning, returning to the river dolphin. This dolphin shapeshifter is called an encantado. This myth was born as part of the dolphin genitalia bear a resemblance to humans, it has been suggested.

The Amazon River Dolphin, Legend of the eye of the person he or she says, also have nightmares. Dolphin in the Amazon manatee is native legends State, and, should you want to find a manatee, dolphins must be peace first. 1987 Brazilian film Ele, o Boto Amazon River dolphin, including a son, a young woman, is a supernatural romance.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Philippine flying lemur

The Life of Animals | Philippine flying lemur | Although as a flying lemurs, it can not fly and is not a lemur. The Philippine Flying Lemur is one of the two living species of the order Dermoptera. The other type is the Sunda Flying Lemur.  It has a broad head, small ears and large eyes. His claws are large and webbed feet for fast climbing and for gliding. The 12 inch (30 cm) tail is connected to the front legs of a flying membrane. This membrane, it is helpful to glide distances of 100 meters or more, useful for finding food and escape predators such as the Philippine Eagle. Its 34 teeth resemble those of a carnivore but the Philippine flying lemur eats mainly fruits, flowers and leaves.

The female Philippine flying lemur gives birth to one cub usually after a two month gestation period. The Philippine Flying Lemur is arboreal and usually resides in primary and secondary forests. The Philippine Flying Lemur is endemic in the Philippines.



The Life of Animals | Sifaka | Sifakas are a genus (Propithecus) from the family of lemurs Indriidae within the order Primates. All species of sifakas are endangered, from vulnerable to endangered. Sifakas are medium indrids with a head and body length of 40 to 55 centimeters (16 to 22) and a weight of 3 to 6 kg (6.6 to 13 lb). The round, hairless face is always black. Like all lemurs, sifaka has special adaptations for the care, including a toilet-claw on its second toe and a heart and kidney Sifakas move by vertical clinging and leaping, that is, they maintain an upright position, jumping from tree to tree trunk and branches along.


On the ground they move sideways like all indrids legged hopping movements with the hind legs, its front legs to keep balance. Sifakas are diurnal and arboreal  Sifakas are herbivores feeds on leaves, flowers and fruits Sifakas live in larger groups than the other indrids (up to 13 animals). Edges of different sifaka territories can overlap. Even if they defend their territory from invasion by others of their kind, they can peacefully co-exist with other lemur species such as Red-bellied Lemur and the Common Brown Lemur.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Bactrian camel

The Life of Animals | Bactrian camel | The Bactrian camel is believed to have been domesticated (independently of the dromedary) sometime before 2500 BC, is believed likely in northern Iran, northeastern Afghanistan, or southwestern Turkestan The dromedary camel was, between 4000 BC and 2000 BC BC have been domesticated in Arabia. The wild population of Bactrian camels was pioneered by Nikolai Przhevalsky in the late 19 Century described.  Bactrian camels have in the center of the arts throughout history. In particular, it was found that a population of wild Bactrian camel lives in a part of the Gobi Gashun region of the Gobi Desert.

Another difference is the ability of wild camels to drink saltwater slush, although still not certain that the camel can extract useful water from it. Domesticated camels do not try to drink salt water, although the reason for this is unknown. The Bactrian camel was one of the top ten "focal species" in 2007 by the unusual and animal species (EDGE) project, the unique and endangered species identified priority for nature conservation.  The primary enemies of the wild Bactrian camels are wolves that hunt in order to havens for easy prey. A small captive population is maintained in Mongolia and China.