Monday, May 21, 2012

Spitting spider

The Life of Animals | Spitting spider | About 150 species have been described scytodids world. Scytodidae capture prey spitting, a liquid that solidifies when exposed to a toxic, sticky mass. Surprisingly, even if it is produced in the venom glands in chelicerae, which contains both fluid and spider silk poisonous in liquid form.

The spider meets usually at a distance of 10-20mm and the entire sequence of attack is more in less than 1/700th of a second after the acquisition, the bite spider usually the prey with toxic effects, and wrap in the normal way with spider silk from the spinnerets.

As the Sicariidae and Diguetidae These spiders are haplogyne (lack of female genital hardened) and have six eyes, as the three pairs are arranged. The Scytodidae differ from Sicariidae and Diguetidae in a dome-shaped tanks, and their distinctive mottled pattern of spots.

Trapdoor Spider

The Life of Animals | Trapdoor Spider | The trap door is hard to see if it is closed because the plant material and soil to effectively camouflage. The prey is captured when insects, other arthropods, small vertebrates, or the lines of 'travel' disturb the spider stretches around his door, alerting the spider with a meal at your fingertips. Male trapdoor spiders can overcome the aggressive reactions of the female to approach them, but do not know how. The enemies of Minierspinne pompilids include some wasps (spider), looking for holes, and manage to gain access. When the eggs hatch, the larva eats the spider alive. Unlike other spiders mygalomorph that Ctenizidae a rastellum on chelicerae.

There are about 120 described species of trapdoor spiders. Finding the spider wasps of the subfamily Ctenocerinae in the Neotropics, Africa and Australia are specialized hunters of trapdoor spider The taxonomy of trapdoor spiders is currently not well understood in the United States and many types of common Ummidia generally remain undescribed.

The spiders of this kind are in a mask with flat-opisthosoma to act to exclude as a second opening on predators such as wasps, spiders seem unusually hardened. There are a limited part of the cave of spiders, where the abdominal shield is just. Cyclocosmia Torreya burrows in moss banks along the Apalachicola River in Florida. Other species of trapdoor spiders are found in other parts of the world.

Spider crab

The Life of Animals | Spider crab | Rationalization for the spider crab name is usually subjective and anecdotal. Some spiders have a body called the flattened and angular. In all cases, the Thomisidae family are more commonly referred to as "spider". However, some members of the giant crab spiders called Sparassidae, Selenopidae hot wall crab spiders and various members Sicariidae are sometimes also called six-eyed crab spiders, some species of spiders, as well as independent Radspinne cancriformis Gasteracantha commonly known as "spiders".

Note, however, that these members of the family Thomisidae be confused with spiders, which are commonly known as bird droppings, spiders, not all of whom are close relatives of spiders. Other species of spider crabs, flattened, and hunting with the organisms in the columns of tree trunks or under loose bark or protection in these columns per day, and come at night to hunt. The spider was built in Aphantochilidae family Thomisidae in the late 1980. Species Aphantochilus cephalotes mimic ants on which they hunt.

The spiders of Thomisidae are not known to be harmful to humans. However, the spiders of an independent genus, Sicarius, sometimes referred to as "spiders" or "six-eyed crab spider", close cousins with recluse spiders, and are very toxic, although human bites are rare.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yellow Garden Spider

The Life of Animals | Yellow Garden Spider | Garden spiders build networks, often in areas adjacent to the sunny fields where they are hidden and open protected from the wind. Argiope aurantia female spiders tend to be somewhat local, often in a place to stay in the great part of his life. The web of yellow garden spider is different: a circular shape to 2 feet (60 cm) in diameter with a zigzag-dense tissue, known as stabilimentum in the middle. Only the spiders that are active in the building during the day, their paths in Stabilimenta. The radial lines meet at a central point. To ensure that the web is dense, spider bends slightly along the radial lines of the application of spiral silk. Web of the female is much larger than the males, which is building a small web zigzag around.


The spider web can swing his strong, while it remains stuck in the middle. In a ritual, every night, the spider consumes the inner ring of the web and then re-created new every morning with fresh silk. The radial structure and mooring lines are usually not replaced when it reconstructs the spider web. The spider can be used to recycle the chemicals in the construction of the Web. In addition, consuming the thin wires that seem to have them small particles, the tiny insects and organic matter to feed the spider does not live in dense clusters capable than other ball spiders that can contain, may be the golden orb spider's web. The garden spider's web has a clean up properly when compared to the number of disordered networks, and given up by groups of Golden Orb spiders. Yellow garden spiders produce once a year. Males wander in search of a female, the construction of a small web near or even in the female web, then cut the female of booting your wireless web. Often, when the male approaches the female, he has prepared a trap line safety, if it attacks.

It lays its eggs at night on a piece of silk cloth, then cover it with a layer of silk, then a protective brown silk. Egg bags ranging from 5/8 "to 1" diameter. Every spider produces 1-4 bags of perhaps a thousand in each egg. The spiders spend most of their time in their cars waiting for prey in the trap. When prey is on the Web, can swing the spider web caught and returned, still keeping the insects. If the prey is secure, the spider kills her, and then inject its poison the prey wrapped in a cocoon of silk for later consumption (usually 1-4 hours later).  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The Life of Animals | Uromastyx | Their size varies from 25 cm (10 inches) (U. macfadyeni) to 91 cm (36 inches) or more (U. aegyptia). Newborn or young animals are usually not more than 10.7 cm (4.3 inches) in length. Like many other reptiles, lizards, these "colors change with temperature, while the cool weather they appear dull and dark, but the colors are brighter on hot days, especially when heated, allowing the darker pigmentation of their skin to absorb the sunlight effective. Uromastyx inhabit a range extending across North Africa, the Middle East and extends into south-central Asia and India. A female Uromastyx can be anywhere 5-40 eggs, depending on the age and species. Wild female Uromastyx are smaller and less colorful than the males. For example, females may be maliensis often light brown dorsally, with black spots, while males are mainly bright yellow speckled with black spots. Women also tend to have short nails caught maliensis may tend to imitate females, the men of color.


Enter a Uromastyx to lead a bowl of water to a higher humidity in the cage and can cause problems for the animal. Uromastyxs captive diets should be "vegetarian herbivorous, mainly consisting of endive, dandelion, bok choy and escarole. lizards need food with a calcium supplement and a Uromastyx designed to prevent health problems can be dusted off. is very important to avoid Chard cabbage, spinach and flowering plants in all diets reptiles, as oxalates prevent spinach uptake of calcium into the bloodstream. should not insects to a Uromastyx. Historically, captive Uromastyx had a poor survival rate because of the lack of understanding of their nutritional needs and environmental concerns.

The Mali Uromastyx (Uromastyx maliensis) is considered ideal to choose species as pets because they adapt easily to captivity. Another species of Uromastyx that adapts itself well to captivity and comes in a variety of colors, is Uromastyx ocellata ornata. UVB light / UVA artificial vitamin supplements and should be balanced with the food and nutrition, is the UVB light necessary for the absorption of calcium from the intestine. Although lizards very high heating temperature, a temperature gradient within the enclosure so that they have to cool down the heat lamps. The temporary slowing of the metabolism also increases the life expectancy of the animals.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The Life of Animals | Talapoin | Talapoins are two types of Old World monkeys classified as genus Miopithecus.  With a typical length of 32-45 cm and a weight of 1.3 kg (males) and 0.8 kg (females), the smaller the Talapoins are Old World monkeys. Talapoins are diurnal and arboreal, prefers tropical mangrove forests and near water. As Allen swamp monkey, they are good swimmers in the water and look for food. These animals live in large groups of 60-100 animals. The groups are composed of several males, mature females and their numerous offspring.

The vocal repertoire is smaller, too. Talapoins are omnivorous, their diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans, birds' eggs and small vertebrates. Offspring are significantly large and well developed (infants weighing more than 200 grams and is approximately one-quarter the weight of the mother) and develop rapidly.

Proboscis Monkeys

The Life of Animals | Proboscis Monkeys | The proboscis monkey is dimorphic sexuality. Females medium 62 cm (24.4 inches) long and weigh as much as the male half. The proboscis monkey has a coat almost over. Dorsal skin is bright orange, red, red, brown or yellowish-brown brick. The skin is light gray, yellowish or grayish to pale orange ventral side is orange-pink. The male has a penis a scrotum red with black. Many of the paved monkey fingers. Proboscis monkeys usually live in groups consisting of one adult male, several females and their offspring. Other groups also exist, such as all-male groups and less documented species. Monkey to leave in groups, the overlapping areas, and there is little territorial behavior. Proboscis monkeys live in a fission fusion society, uniting groups with the side sleep late in the day. There are bands that are nuclear fission and fusion of groups formed.

A man of groups ranging from 9 to 19 people, while the bands may consist of up to 60 people. A man of groups generally have 3-12 people, but can be larger. Aggravated assault is uncommon among the monkeys, but less aggression occur frequently. A linear dominance hierarchy between men and women. Male by a group of men in their groups of 6-8 years to stay. Replacement of resident males appear to occur without serious aggression.Upon reaching adulthood, males leave their birth group and join all-male groups. Women sometimes leave their birth group, perhaps to avoid inbreeding or infanticide to reduce competition for food or increase their dominance status. Females reach sexual maturity at 5 years of age. The collection, both sexes a sullen face. Also sometimes singing men and women will present your background to a couple times male.Copulating harassed by sub-adults. Proboscis monkeys can engage in non-reproductive mounting, as playful and homosexual mounting.

The nose of a young grow slowly until they reach adulthood. If a resident male is replaced in some groups of one man, the children run the risk of infanticide. The monkey only lives in lowland habitats such as coastal and riverine habitat, many of which are flooded by tides. He prefers dipterocarp, mangrove forests and lowland forests in Auch, stunted swamp forests, forests, plantations of gum rubber, limestone hill forest, Nipa swamps, marshes and swamp forests Nibong large tropical forests and heathland cliffs can be found.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The Life of Animals | Gelada | The ice is large and robust. It is covered with buff, dark brown, thick hair and has a dark face and eyelids pale. Adult males have a long hood and heavy hair on their backs. Ice has a hairless face, with a short snout, which is closer to a chimpanzee of a baboon. This patch is hourglass shaped. The male is bright red and surrounded by white hair in women is much less pronounced. Women also have buttons around the patches of your skin. Icy have also developed ischial callosities. No sexual dimorphism of the species males averaged 18.5 kg (40.8 lb) while females are smaller, averaging 11 kg (24.3 pounds). Tail length is 30-50 cm from 11.8 to 19.7 inches). Ice has several adjustments to their lifestyle and terrestrial herbivore. He has adapted resistant small fingers to pull the grass and narrow incisors, small adapted for chewing.

Mountain areas in which they live tend to be cooler and less arid plains areas.Thus, cold usually do not feel the negative effects of the dry season on food availability. Icy are the only primates that are primarily herbivores and graminivores - blades of grass up 90% of their diet. They eat both blades and grass seed. When both leaves and seeds are cold prefer seeds available. They also eat flowers, roots and rhizomes, when available, using hands to dig the last two. They also eat grasses, herbs, small fruits, vines, shrubs and weeds. During the dry season, grasses and herbs are consumed less are preferred. Eat frozen foods that primates and ungulates, and can chew your food as effectively as zebras. They are essentially cold days. At night they sleep in the sun cliffs.At edges, leave the cliffs and travel to the tops of the mountains to feed and socialize. By late morning, social activities tend to decrease and the frozen concentrated fodder.

When night activities, exhibitions of social ice before entering the sleeping cliffs When in estrus, the female basa back to one male and up wagging his tail to one side. Then the man comes and inspects the female breasts and genital areas. The female will mate up to five times a day, usually around noon. The majority of births occur at night. Newborns have a red face, eyes closed, and covered with black hairs. On average, babies born weighing 464 g. Women who have just given birth to stay on the periphery of the playback unit. Other adult females may have an interest in children and even kidnapping. Children can move independently around five months old. When men reach puberty, they gather in groups of independent breeding units instability.

Brazza monkey

The Life of Animals | Brazza monkey | This guenon has gray agouti hair with reddish-brown back, limbs and buttocks and tail white. Brazza monkey is a species with sexual dimorphism, males weigh about 7 pounds while females weigh about 4 kg. Tracks Brazza monkey through the swamps, bamboo and dry mountain forests of Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Cherangani Hills of Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.

It's a monkey shy, territorial, living in small social groups.  Brazza monkeys communicate with a bang, waving tree branches and a variety of facial expressions and movements of predators De Brazza monkey include the leopard, humans and common chimpanzees.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

China Shark fin with Bands of High

The Life of Animals | China Shark fin with Bands of High | Young Chinese gangs shark fin high usually have brown bodies which bears three dark bands tilted. Adult males are distinguished from adult females by their red color. Chinese shark fin high bands are also characterized by high dorsal fins triangular and extending upwardly to the rear of the anal fin. Lips thick and fleshy papillae small bear, with no chins. In adulthood, Chinese shark fin band becomes darker in appearance. In old age, it loses its characteristic white stripes. Chinese high fin shark bands are native to the Yangtze River basin of China in Asia. Chinese high fin banded shark can only thrive in cold water aquariums. Chinese shark fin high bands thrive in a tank with water temperature ranging from 65 ° to 75 ° F (24 ° C) and boiling water pH 6.0 to 7.5.

Chinese gangs shark fins are of high middle and bottom of the tank inhabitants. We know that change color depending on your setup. They are compatible with rasboras, danios and Siamese algae eaters. Chinese high fin shark researchers bands are common foods. Males are known to acquire tubercles on the head and wings, once they reach sexual maturity

Knifefish Spirit Black

The Life of Animals | Knifefish Spirit Black | Fish knife requires a black ghost tank dimensioned 30-40 U.S. gallons (95-110 liters) a lower, but as they grow requires a much larger tank around 80-90 + U.S. gal. prefer a tank with low light because their vision is optimized for low light conditions. to help them to do, which is a weakly electric fish. eat small fish tank and are intolerant of their peers. like fish without scales, which are vulnerable to parasitic infections, such as ICH (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis). can reproduce in captivity, although there are few reports of Black ghost knife fish. The black ghost knifefish, Apteronotus albifrons, is a tropical fish belonging to the ghost knifefish family (Apteronotidae).

Grow to a maximum length of 20 inches (50 cm). The black ghost knifefish native lives in fast moving streams, the sandy bottom in a tropical climate. South American natives believe that the ghosts of dead fish of his residence, hence the name.

Boeseman The Rainbowfish

The Life of Animals | Boeseman The Rainbowfish | Boeseman Rainbowfish lives in the western part of West New Guinea (formerly Irian Jaya). Boeseman Rainbowfish is not only present in Ayamaru lake also found in Hain Aitinjo lake and pond, as well as the currents flowing into the lake Ayamaru. Both Hain and Lake Aitinjo lake is 20 km (12.5 miles) Lake Ayamaru. The Rainbowfish Boeseman typical habitat is shallow and marshy with clean water and abundant aquatic vegetation. Boeseman Rainbowfish is threatened by overexploitation, as it has become a popular aquarium fish. In late 1980, about 60,000 men specimens exported from the Great Lakes Region Ayamaru each month. Boeseman Rainbowfish is listed as "Endangered" in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Boeseman Rainbowfish is not difficult to maintain in the aquarium and is a popular aquarium fish, even outside Australia.


You can keep in a species of rainbowfish aquarium Boeseman or combined with peaceful species of similar size in a community created. Try to remember the natural habitat in the aquarium Rainbowfish Boeseman and include a large number of lush plants. Recommended Water temperature is 25-30 ° C (77-86 degrees F). The water should be alkaline, pH 7.2 to 8.0. Let the chlorine evaporates the water before using it for water changes, if you use chlorinated water. Keep your fish a varied diet containing foods alive. Rainbowfish Boeseman may well survive on dry food only, but will not thrive and they can lose their vibrant colors. The Aquarium L 50-75 (13-20 liters) is large enough to serve as breeding aquarium for a small group with a single male. Feeding large quantities of live fish meat food.

Males can be aggressive with females during the breeding season, so a well planted aquarium and proper sex ratio are important. A higher temperature water can accelerate the process. You can feed the fry infusoria, egg yolk and finely ground flake food until they are large enough to eat brine shrimp newborns and nibble flakes integrals.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spotted Gar

The Life of Animals | Spotted Gar | Although the Great Lakes basin to understand the extent to Northern Spotted Gar in the United States, the basins are the southern basin of Lake Michigan, Lake Erie basin and southern basin of Lake Huron. The population is small gar in the north and Lake Erie is threatened by habitat destruction and pollution. The gar is most common in southern waters, such as the Mississippi River basin from southern Minnesota to Alabama and West Florida at the time. Historical records indicate the gar was spotted in the Thames River and Sydenham River, Ontario, Canada. Nesting habitat includes wetlands and swamps with an abundance of aquatic vegetation. Even surface water is preferable to estimate approximately 0-1 m water depth A female can have multiple mating partners and the female is usually larger than males mate with.

The females have lower mortality rates of up to an annual gar is 18 years. Men today are having an impact on this species of fish, destroying habitat, aquatic vegetation, and the creation of sedimentation in the waters of North America. Waste and drainage chemistry in lakes and rivers causes the accumulation of chemicals and water contamination. Spotted gar or pools of clean water, and human factors can reduce their survival. the Canadian waters of the spotted gar is protected by the Endangered Species Act and the Federal Fisheries Act. The Program Management of species at risk habitat works to protect the spotted gar and their habitat. Current management plans for spotted gar include: increased water quality, minimize or prevent pollution, the analysis of samples contaminated with the decline of the most important biological species is habitat destruction. Firstly, without the need for gar habitats can not grow and reproduce normally consequent reduction of the population.

Electroshocking would be held in the shallow areas of lakes and rivers where gar habitat. The sampling for the monitoring of the species would be to monitor visually. The fishermen can fill out surveys for spotted gars many who have taken or bow fishermen spotted gars tell you how many shots all the time. Technology as an underwater camera can be used to search for spotted gar. Some shallow areas may be prohibited for fishing and areas could be sampled to compare the population of fishing. Spotted gar have few predators threatening invasive species so that there are fish and should be removed. Port improvements, dredging filling, and destruction of coastal habitats affect fish and should be stopped. Water quality must have a certain level of quality and biologists should verify the frequency levels and to address whether the level is low quality.

Research in the main streams must be performed on tissue samples for testing gar contaminants. Spotted gar is not a popular game fish species for fishermen, but fishermen are a kind of value the bow to shoot. Promotion of a gar fish would help conserve the species.