Friday, November 30, 2012

Golden Eagle


The Life of Animals | Golden Eagle | The golden eagle is a large raptor dark brown brimmed. Its size is variable, ranging from 66 to 102 cm (26-40 inches) long and has a typical size of 1.8 to 2.34 m (5.9 to 7.7 feet). Smaller subspecies (A. c. Japonensis), with a weight of sexes and 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) 3.25 kg (7.2 lb). In general, the species, the males are about 3.6 kg (7.9 lb) and females are about 5.1 kg (11 lb). Tarsal feathers range from white to dark brown. In addition, some white birds "shoulder" at the top of each shoulder pen tube. Upper wing feathers occasionally as white kittens or birds have no white wings are complete. Most of the others are much smaller birds of prey, including hawks Buteo this. Maybe more like the golden eagle in structure between small prey Buteos generally well below paler. Just a few of the Old World vultures and the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) (among others coexists This eagle birds of prey) are significantly larger, with longer wings and larger prisoners, usually in more uniform color models and often radically different. Compared to the golden eagles Haliaeetus is generally longer tail and the head is significantly lower with broad wings are more or less shaped falcon board.

The eagle Haliaeetus more strongly striated in its juvenile phase, gold has a strong golden brown. Differ from other Aquila eagles in Eurasia is a major problem identification. This identification may be based on the relatively long tail designs in gold or gray and white on the wings and tail. Aquila longer looking darker plumage, a slightly smaller Tawny Eagle (A. rapax) is brighter than the golden eagle. The Imperial Oriental (A. heliaca) and the Spanish imperial eagle (A. adalberti) are almost as large as the golden eagle Aquila between Eurasia, but are distinguished by their long neck, wings flat flight, shoulder covers white top and usually dark in color. Verreaux's Eagle (A. verreauxii) are similar in size and shape to gold, but are almost entirely black (except for a little white in the main wing) and unknown plumage occur with the eagle in Africa. In the genus Aquila, the wings and tail set Wedge-tailed Eagle (A. audax) Golden Eagle is greater than the average size and length.

The largest number of eagles in the mountain areas is today, with many eagles do most of their hunting and nest in the rocks. Golden Eagles usually nest in abandoned areas where human disturbance is minimal and often avoid crowded places during the year. The golden eagle is one of the most powerful birds of prey in the world. When prey is detected, the eagle catch a line in the hope that his prey or is involved in a car chase faster. If birds can participate in an agile tail-chase (Accipiter like hawks) and occasionally to catch birds in flight. Escape the powerful claws eagle provide water few people can once contact is established. While exhibiting strong local preferences for certain prey, eagles are opportunistic, and especially nearly all small to medium sized animal before, if found. Approximately 200 species of mammals and birds have been recorded as prey eagle. Prey selection largely depends on local availability and abundance of prey. Most victims are almost half the weight of the eagle predator, prey to the normal weight range from 0.5 to 4 kg (01.01 pounds recorded 08.08), although this is sometimes eagles fly with prey equal or slightly heavier than its own weight (4-7 kg (8.8 to 15 pounds). In the North American study, mammals comprised 83.9% of the diet of eagles.

Ungulate species are taken too young. For juvenile eagle, eagle eagles wintering reproduce or those who could not, can prey may be less important than the latter. For those who make their nests and the birds of prey are large enough, which can be left and will be returned Eagles have prey ungulates exceptionally wild in these circumstances weighs 30 kg (66 pounds) or more, as an adult deer ( Capreolus capreolus). Recent cases in which Golden Eagle attack caught on camera rare loot was a great white made an unsuccessful attack on a large adult (Odocoileus virginianus) and included a successful attack on an adult male coyote (Canis latrans). See YouTube videos in Mongolia Golden Eagles work alone or together to wolves and foxes to end if prey can disable this screen already formed. It is a confirmed report of a Golden Eagle pulls a teddy bear brown bear (Ursus arctos).

By mammals, secondary important prey group for eagles are other birds. Galliformes different (largely phasianids and grouse) are the main prey bird. Eagles are predators of birds, it is a healthy adult is not prey. There are records of golden eagles killing and eating other birds of prey such as falcons (Falco rusticolus), Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and Buteo hawks and adults, young and eggs. In one case, a golden eagle in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) nest fly struck and killed by a falcon swooping father is a setback for the hawks and eagles more often dominant (and a predator can of them). Frequently kleptoparasitize golden eagles or steal prey from other birds of prey. Even though it is not as large as some vultures, eagles tend to be more aggressive and are able to conduct vultures (including body types much larger) and other birds of prey or carrion kill. Interspecific competition occurs regularly with great eagle, Haliaeetus all Eagle (H. albicilla) and Calvo (H. leucocephalus). Although these other eagles (not really related to gold) is generally less active predators, are of comparable size depends on strength and toughness of the eagle and victory in this conflict on the size and disposition of individuals instead of eagles.

Many other types of prey can supply. In Southern Europe, Turkmenistan and other arid turtles are a popular prey. Other prey includes secondary amphibians, fish (consumed regularly in Southeast Asia, but usually removed) and even large insects such as beetles. During the winter months, when recording live prey is scarce, Golden Eagles own carrion. Eagles mate for life in general. In the western United States may designate zones eagle nest 22 to 33 square miles may vary, while preserving the northernmost areas of nesting can be up to 39 square kilometers. Old nests can be 2 meters (3.3 feet) in height, as the eagles repair their nests whenever necessary and whenever. (6.6 feet) in diameter and 1 m If the nest is in a tree, the branches breaking load due to the weight of the nest. Some birds and mammals are too small to be in the interest of large raptor nest often shelter. Their enemies are the perfect size for Golden Eagle prey, and therefore avoid active nests. The independent variable can reach parents 32-80 days after fledging young. Because the Eagles defensive ferocity, the golden eagle predation is rare, even with eggs and small chicks. The only known predators of nests of golden eagles are wolverine and grizzly bears. Although a high percentage of dying in their first year, eagles can survive to adulthood live longer. In some cases, wild eagle and 28-32 years in captivity have survived the age of 46.
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Carolina Wren


The Life of Animals | Carolina Wren | The head has a striking white eyebrow (eyebrow) and a whitish throat. It is easy to confuse with Bewick's Wren, a parent close enough, it differs in being smaller, but with a longer tail, more gray-brown above and white below. Carolina Wrens and Black-browed Wren House differ in being larger, with a bill culmen decidedly fingers and back them up a notch behind the tip. The Carolina Wren is known for his deep voice, popularly translated as "Tea Kettle". A bird sings usually given several different songs. Only males sing their song box. The songs vary regionally, with birds singing on the northern slower than the southern regions. The Carolina Wren also has a series of calls, including a rapid series of notes in a similar tone to his singing, as a warning and a reprimand serious and strong call to threaten intruders.

The Carolina Wren is sensitive to cold. Because they do not migrate and remain in a territory, the population of North Carolina wrens decrease markedly after harsh winters. The populations of Canada and the northern United States after crash regularly experience harsh winters, high agricultural productivity but soon led to a return to a higher number. In winter, sometimes eat seeds, berries and other small fruits. These birds prefer sites with dense undergrowth, in mixed forests or forests on the outskirts, in a natural or artificial cavity. The nest is a large structure, often dome-shaped, with a small hole in the top. Couples can mate for life.

The eggs are oval, gray-white, reddish-brown freckles. Bald chicks are born blind, and dependent parents to fly. Both males and females feed the young. He farmed for a short time after hatching, the young leave in a warm, down-lined nest while feeding adults. 

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue Jay


The Life of Animals | Blue Jay | The Blue Jay measures 22-30 cm (9-12 inches) of bill to tail and weighs 70-100 g (2.5 to 3.5 oz), with a wingspan of 34-43 cm (13-17 inches) weight. If the bird feeds among other jays or resting, the crest is flattened to the head. Its plumage is lavender-blue to mid-blue on top, back, wings and tail, and his face is white. On the sides of the head The primary wing and tail are excluded black, blue and white. As with most other birds blue tones of blue pigments not derived Jay, but is the result of the interference of light due to the internal structure of the feathers, if a blue feather is crushed, the blue disappears because the structure has been destroyed.

The Blue Jay occurs from southern Canada through the Eastern Europe and Central America south to northeast Florida and Texas. Since the ranges of the two species overlap now, C. cristata sometimes hybridize with Steller's Jay.Migration during the day in informal groups from 5 to 250 birds. In all parts of its range Jay's youth are more likely to migrate than adults, but many adults also migrate. Some people jay south 1 year, stay north the next winter, then south again next year. Is probably related to the weather and can cause as abundant food sources in winter, even the northern birds are not necessarily move south.

The Blue Jay takes a variety of habitats within its range, from the pine forests of Florida to the spruce forests of northern Ontario. It is less abundant in the dense forests, prefer mixed forests of oak and beech. He skillfully combined adapted to human activity occurring in parks and residential areas, and can adapt to major deforestation with relative ease if human activity creates other means to get the Blue Jays The Blue Jay is a passerine strong, bold and aggressive. Virtually all raptors sympatric distribution with Blue Jays may precede, especially specialists hunting birds such as hawks Accipiter quickly. May be preceded by several predators, the eggs and young Jay in its infancy, including squirrels, snakes, cats, crows, raccoons, opossums, jays and perhaps many other raptors attack the same adults.

Blue Jays can be beneficial to other species of birds, birds of prey such as hawks and owls, and continue to scream when they see a predator in their territory. Sometimes the identity calls raptors, especially Red-tailed hawks and red shoulders, perhaps to test whether a hawk is nearby, but perhaps also on other birds that may come into contact. Scare competition for food resources It can also be compared to people who approach their nests, perches and if an owl in the vicinity of the nest during the day Jay blue mobs aggressive until he takes a new roost. However, the Blue Jays have also been known to attack and kill other birds. Jays are very territorial birds, and other pursuits of a feeder for an easy meal. In addition, the blue jay attack the nests of other birds, eggs, chicks and nest predation.

Jays, like other corvids, are very inquisitive and intelligent birds considered. Jays have strong black bills for cracking nuts and acorns, often while his feet, and the food uses corn, grains and seeds. Cache Tiles food sometimes, although the extent varies considerably between individuals. Although seemingly controversial in its general behavior, the Blue Jays are often subordinated to other medium-sized birds that visit the feeder. In Florida, the Blue Jays were gray squirrel feeder Eastern Florida Scrub-Jays, Common Grackles and Red-headed Woodpecker, all of which were uncommon to prevent food Jays aggressive dominated. The tiles are not nest very picky. Also suitable nests of other birds of medium size, provided that they are placed in the right places, the American robins' nests are often used by the Toronto Blue Jays, for example. Tiles usually monogamous relationships for life. Both sexes build the nest and raise their young, but not female offspring. The male feeds the female while she incubates the eggs. Juveniles nesting pulls the family and also feeds into the early fall, when the young birds disperse to avoid competition for food in winter.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lake Sturgeon


The Life of Animals | Lake Sturgeon | The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is a freshwater fish in North America hot, one of about 20 species of sturgeon. The fish uses its elongated nose, like a shovel to mix the sand and silt in the beds of rivers and lakes in the diet. The fish is remarkable in part because of its interference lake size can achieve a total weight exceeding 190 kg (396 pounds) and a length of more than 3 meters (9 feet) along its long life. This species is found in southern Mississippi River basin in Alabama and Mississippi. It occurs in the Great Lakes and east of the St. Lawrence River to the freshwater limit. In the west it joins Lake Winnipeg and the North and South Saskatchewan River. This distribution is logical that all these policy areas in the Great Lakes were formed when glaciers retreated from North America at the end of the last glaciation (eg, Lake Agassiz, Lake Iroquois).

Lake disturb buds on and around its barbels near its rubbery lips, gripping. Since there are a large species that survives by feeding on very small species, their feeding ecology in relation to that of large marine animals such as whales, living in filter feeding. It interferes with a valuable food fish gourmet, and even the validity of certain products such as caviar and isinglass. Few people reach extreme old age or size than previous generations often. Today, limiting the fishing season for sturgeon permitted in some areas, including some locations in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Sturgeon fishing is allowed on Black Lake in Michigan, for example, but fishing is limited to five total fish taken each year, more than 36 inches (910 mm) and in the ice with spears.

Fishermen in Minnesota has the opportunity to harvest a lake interferes calendar year between 45 and 50 inches of Rainy River and Lake of the Woods, to the Canadian border. Anglers must have a valid fishing Minnesota and buy a sturgeon tag to harvest a lake sturgeon. There is also a worrying spearing season on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin annually. He spent one season in the last 16 days of a remarkable season with a quota, but the season can still claim full 16 days. In 2012 was the largest sturgeon ever harvested on Lake Winnebago (female) 125 years, weighed 240 kg and measures 87.5 inches long. It bothers are also present in Quebec St. Lawrence River, where it is fished commercially.  

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Sunday, November 11, 2012



The Life of Animals | Sunfish | The tail fin of the sunfish is replaced by a rounded clavus, cut the creation of the various bodies. The ribs are small, fan-shaped, while the dorsal fin and the anal fin are lengthened, which is often high to fish as long. Although the sunfish came from bony ancestors, the skeleton contains largely cartilaginous tissues, which are lighter than bone, so that you grow the sizes impractical for other bony fish. The sunfish lacks a swim bladder. Sunfish for adults ranges from brown to gray silver or white, with a variety of models, mottled skin, some of these models may be specific to the region. Mola mola also shows the ability of the skin color varies from light to dark, especially if they are attacked.

More than 40 species of parasites in the skin and are internally, motivating the fish to seek relief in a number of ways. In temperate regions, the fields of algae float harbor cleaner wrasses and other fish, visit the parasites from the skin to remove sunfish. In the tropics, the mola cleaning recruits the help of reef fish. By basking on its side at the surface, the sunfish also allows that the birds feed on skin parasites. Sunfish were injury, reported to clean the surface by more than three lengths, possibly as a further attempt to remove parasites. In the course of its evolution disappeared the caudal fin (tail) of the sunfish, by a lumpy pseudo-tail, which are replaced clavus.

Is without a queue for providing forward thrust for forward motion and with only small pectoral fins, Mola Mola is based on his long, thin dorsal and anal fins for propulsion, on the same forward these fins from side to side. Sunfish often swim near the surface and its prominent dorsal fins are sometimes mistaken for sharks. Sharks, like most fish swim by the side of the tail stops while the dorsal fin. The ocean sunfish, but can identify changes in the dorsal fin and anal fin function in rowing motion used Although research suggests that early sunfish pulled drift with ocean currents, especially, people were swimming are 26 km in one day, for a maximum speed of 3.2 kilometers per hour Sunfish pelagic and swim at depths of up to 600 meters (2,000 feet) .

Sunfish are usually found in hot water at 10 ° C (50 ° F) for long periods in a water temperature of 12 spent ° C (54 ° F) or lower, disorientation and death.  Sunfish are usually alone, but sometimes in pairs or in larger groups, while cleaning. Sea lions seem sunfish hunt for sport, breaking fins, move around your body, and then just let the fish still alive, but not at the bottom of the sea to die. The mating practices of the sunfish are poorly understood, but spawning areas have been proposed in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Sunfish eggs are released into the water and were fertilized by the sperm. Sunfish newly hatched larvae are only 2.5 mm (0.098 in) in length. Many millions of times their original size before reaching adult proportions Sunfish fry, atypical with large pectoral fins, a tail fin and body spines of adult sunfish, miniature pufferfish, resemble their close relatives. Young sunfish school for protection, but this behavior is abandoned as they grow.

Despite their size, ocean sunfish are docile, and pose no threat to human divers. Injuries from sunfish are rare, although there was a small risk sunfish great leap out of the water in a boat, in a case raised a child from his boat when a sunfish leaped upon him. All parts of the sunfish used in the kitchen, ground, around internal organs. When the body does not contain toxins, marketing and distribution of sunfish meat in the European Union in the framework of Regulation (EC) No prohibited. Sunfish but often accidentally in fishing with drift nets, which captured a share of almost 30% of the total catch of swordfish with driftnets in the world of work in California. The detection rate is even higher for the Mediterranean swordfish industry, with 71% and 90% of the total catch sunfish. Bycatch of fishing and the destruction of ocean sunfish are unregulated worldwide.  Many areas of sunfish biology remain poorly understood, and research efforts are varied, including aerial photographs of mola populations, satellite monitoring with pop-off satellite tags, the genetic analysis of tissue samples, and the collection of amateur sighting data. Recent studies show a decrease in sunfish populations that may be caused by more frequent bycatch and the increasing popularity of sunfish in the human diet,
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Great Egret


The Life of Animals | Great Egret | The heron Great Egret is a large all-white plumage. It is only slightly smaller than the Great Blue Heron or gray (A. cinerea). Apart from size, the Great Egret from other white egrets by its yellow bill and black legs and feet can be distinguished, even though the bill may become darker and legs lighter in the breeding season. Men and women are equal in appearance, young, non-breeding adults. Differs Intermediate Egret (Mesophoyx intermedius) through the open mouth, which extends well beyond the back of the eye in the Great Egret, but ends up just behind the eye in the case of Intermediate Egret.

The Great Egret is not normally a vocal bird breeding colonies, but croaking cuk cuk cuk often strong. The Great Egret is partially migratory birds in the northern hemisphere to the southern areas with colder winters. It builds a bulky stick nest.The Great Egret is usually a kind of great success with a large and growing area. In North America, a large number of Grey Heron in the late 19th century killed for their feathers were used to adorn hats. Numbers have since recovered following conservation measures. The offer extends as far north as southern Canada.

In 1953 the Great Egret in flight was a symbol of the National Audubon Society, which was formed in part chosen to avoid the slaughter of birds for their feathers. The Great Egret is a species in which the Agreement on the Conservation of migratory waterfowl (AEWA) applies. A Shapwick Heath Nature Reserve in Somerset The species is a rare visitor in the UK and the BBC Aviss Ben explained that the message could mean, the first British colony founded Heron is this week confirmed Kevin Anderson of Natural England a Great Egret girl who forged a new record of breeding birds in the United Kingdom. The Great Egret is depicted on the back of a Brazilian Reais 5 Bill. 

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ringed Seal


The Life of Animals | Ringed Seal | The ringed seal is the smaller and more common in the Arctic, with a small head, short muzzle like a cat and a plump body. The ringed seal taxonomy is discussed and reviewed in the literature. The ringed seal is very near the Caspian seal (P. caspica) and Baikal seal (P. sibirica), they all have the same relative sizes small, the functions of cranial morphology and affinity for ice actions.The closest phylogenetic relatives ringed seal, gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and species in the genus Phoca (seals and sealing largha) when ringed seals were attributed above. along with the other northern latitude ice seals (seal, bearded seal, seals and hooded seals), these seals of the subfamily Phocinae

Ringed seals occur throughout the Arctic. You can, in the Baltic Sea, the Bering Sea and Hudson Bay. They prefer to rest on ice floe and continued north on thicker ice. In all the seas of the Arctic in the North Pacific, are found in the southern Bering Sea and range found as far south as the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. In the assortment ringed seals have an affinity for ice-covered waters and ice to fill seasonal and permanent are great.

Distribution in Alaska Ringed seals in the Beaufort, Chukchi and Bering Sea, south of Bristol Bay in years of extensive ice cover. At the end of April to June ringed seals are distributed throughout their range from the south to the north of the ice edge. The preliminary results of recent studies in the Chukchi Sea in May and June were conducted in 1999 and 2000 indicate that ringed seal density is higher in the ice along the coast and fast package, and lower on sea ice. Ringed seals are found in Arctic waters and often with icebergs and ice, ringed maintains a hole in the ice to breathe so use the ice habitat is not connected, the other joints.Ringed seals are an important food source, especially for the polar bears. Early Paleo Eskimo sites in the Canadian Arctic ringed seals signs harvested from about 4000-3500 BP, probably frozen tears and bears trapped in the ice, with an option for adolescents and young adults.

The bycatch in fishing nets, trawls and trade is another threat to ringed seals. Climate change is the greatest potential threat to ringed seal populations because much depends on their habitat Birthing ice caves are often destroyed before the seal is able to feed itself in a poor physical condition was.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

California Condor


The Life of Animals | California Condor | The Condor adult California is a black uniform, with the exception of the large triangular patches or bands of white at the bottom of the wings. Has mottled gray instead of white on the underside of the wing feathers. As an adaptation for hygiene, the condor head and neck have few feathers, which the skin to the sterilizing effects of dehydration and ultraviolet light at high altitudes exposes. The skin of the head and neck can wash strong. Birds have no real syringeal sounds. To determine the most measurements are taken from birds in captivity, so if there are significant differences in measurements between wild condors in captivity is difficult. California condor is the largest wingspan of a bird in North America. The Crane American White Pelican and scream even more jobs than the condor. Condor are so great.

The middle of the foot Californian condor is very elongated, and the hind legs slightly developed. The condors live in rocky scrub, pine forests and oak savannas. There are two shrines dedicated to this bird, the Sisquoc Condor Sanctuary in the desert of San Rafael and the Sespe Condor Sanctuary in Los Padres National Forest. These areas were chosen for their first condor nesting habitat. When in flight, the movements of the condor are very beautiful. The California condor has a long lifespan, up to 60 years. If it survives to adulthood, the condor has few natural threats other than humans.

The display voice grunts and wheezes limited. Condors bathe frequently and can spend hours each day cleaning their feathers. Condors lead urohidrosis or defecate on their legs to their body temperature to decrease. There is a well developed social structure within large groups of condors, with whistling competition in a hierarchical order by body language, behavior competitions, and a variety of grunts and determine decided. This social hierarchy is displayed especially when the birds to eat, eat of the judgment for the young birds.

In order to attract a potential mate, the male condor performs a display. The display is red head man and puffs its feathers of the neck. Spread your wings and slowly approaches the female. If the woman lowers her head to accept the male, the condors are friends for life. The egg weighs about 280 grams (10 ounces) and measuring 90 to 120 mm (3.5 to 4.75 inches) long and about 67 mm (2.6 inches) wide. If the chick or egg is lost or removed, were the parents "double clutch" or an egg to the place lost. The eggs hatch after 53-60 days of incubation by both parents.

Ready to focus their energies on a new nest Ravens are the main predators of eggs condor threats, while eagles and bears offspring condor potential predators. Unusually, this bird takes different roles in the history of the different tribes. The Wiyot tribe of California say that the condor recreated mankind after Above Old Man wiped humanity with a flood. Condor then seized Ground Squirrel after he fled, but Ground Squirrel managed to cut off the head with Condor Condor paused to take a sip of blood. After Yokut tribe, the condor sometimes ate the moon, so the moon cycle, and its wings caused eclipses. The Chumash tribe of Southern California believed that the condor was once a white bird, but it was black when he flew too close to the fire.

Condor bones have been found in graves as Indians have condor feather headdresses. Cave paintings of condors are discovered. Some tribes ritually slain robes to condors from their pens. Shamans then danced while wearing them reaching the higher and lower spiritual worlds. Some scientists, such as Noel Snyder believes that this process has helped ceremonial robes help the condor decline
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Sunday, November 4, 2012



The Life of Animals | Kinkajou | A Kinkajou adult weighs 1.4 to 4.6 kg (3-10 lb). The adult body of 40-60 cm (16-24 inches), along the length of the body, the tail is long 40-60 cm (16-24 inches). The Kinkajou wool coat consists of an outer layer of gold (or brownish-gray) overlapping a gray coat. It has large eyes and small ears. Kinkajous Range from the east and south of the Sierra Madre in Mexico, through Central America to Bolivia east of the Andes and the rainforest in southeastern Brazil. Although ranked Kinkajou Carnivora and has sharp teeth, omnivorous diet consists mainly of fruits. Kinkajous especially enjoy figs. It has been suggested, without direct evidence that occasionally bird eggs and small vertebrates eat.

The Kinkajou thin five inch extrudable tongue helps the animal and plant get the licking nectar from flowers, so that it can act as pollinators. (Nectar is also sometimes obtained by eating whole flowers.) Although marked enthusiastic individuals eat honey (hence the name "Honey Bear"), honey has not been observed in the diet of these last wild. Such as raccoons, hammers rivals "remarkable manipulative skills of primates. Not that tail to grab food. scent glands in the neighborhood of kinkajous mouth, throat and stomach to leave their territory to expand their routes and markings. Kinkajou generally peak between about 19:00 and midnight, and again an hour before sunrise avoided kinkajous daytime sleep in tree hollows or in shaded tangles of leaves, direct sunlight.

Kinkajous are sometimes kept as exotic pets. Kinkajous like sudden movements, noises and awake during the day.  In El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras pet kinkajous micoleĆ³n commonly called, meaning "lion monkey". Animals in Peru kinkajous are commonly called "Liron". The dormouse is often described as "monkey-bear" or "bear hybrid mono".
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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blue Marlin


The Life of Animals | Blue Marlin | Tropical Blue Marlin in the world and the ocean waters, occurring both in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. The warm currents such as the Gulf Stream in the western Atlantic and the Agulhas Current western Indian Ocean serve as roads ocean of blue marlin and migration have a strong influence on the seasonal distribution. Individuals have a greater tolerance to higher temperature, and blue marlin found the limits of their range tend to be big fish. Some blue marlin is located in the extreme south of the continent, even though parts of Atlantic-Pacific is questionable, especially since a tagged fish in the western Atlantic was re-captured the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

In Pacific Blue Marlin are seasonally found as far north as southern Japan and south of the Bay of Plenty in the North Island of New Zealand. The blue marlin in the eastern Pacific migrate northward to southern California and south to northern Peru. The southern limit of its range in the Indian Ocean east seem to Albany and Perth, Western Australia, and the western Indian Ocean blue marlin were taken south of Cape Town. In temperate waters, warm currents interact with these structures is essential background to create the environmental conditions for fishing for blue marlin and hot water to another. Temperature breaks created bodies of hot and cold water are pushed against each other as a less tangible which attracts bait and fishing, including blue marlin.

Catch the greatest in the sport fishing record is £ 1805 Pacific Blue Marlin caught by a group of fishermen in Oahu, Hawaii on the charter boat commanded by Captain Cornelius Choy Coreene C (this fish often referred to as "monster Choy '). Commercial fishermen began much larger samples. Largest blue marlin early market of Tsukiji in Tokyo presumably weighed 1.106 kg mass. At least 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of fish, a "great", has historically been considered by fishermen to fish for blue and black marlin truly exceptional. For most Billfish fishing, the fish represents 1,000 pounds of fish life.

Blue marlin feeding eclectic use of a wide range of prey species and sizes. The scientific analysis of stomach contents of blue marlin have organisms as small as miniature filefish. Of greater interest for fishermen is the upper range of prey size blue marlin. The 72-inch white marlin was recorded as being found in the stomach of a blue marlin caught 448 pounds in Walker Cay in the Bahamas, and, more recently, in 2005, White Marlin Open a white marlin on 70 pound class are in the stomach of one of the blue stripes. Spearfish marlin 30 to 40 pounds have been reported as part of Kona Blue Marlin fishing source. Tuna of 100 pounds or more were also found in the stomachs of large blue marlin. Scientists distinguish two species of blue marlin, Atlantic Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) and Pacific Blue Marlin (Makaira Mazara).

Exceptionally beautiful blue marlin is the largest of the Atlantic marlins and one of the world's largest fish. Women are much larger than males, can reach 14 feet (4.3 m) long and weigh more than 1,985 pounds (900 kg). Native to tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, Blue Marlin are among the best known of all fish. Cobalt blue is below the top and silvery white, with a distinctive dorsal fin and a long and deadly, spear-shaped upper jaw. They are called blue-water fish spend most of their lives at sea.
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Friday, November 2, 2012



The Life of Animals | Nudibranch | The body forms of nudibranchs vary widely, but because they are opisthobranch, unlike most other shells are bilaterally symmetrical, both externally and internally, because they suffered secondary detorsion. The adult form is without a shell or capsule (the capsule shell is a bone plate or horny that can cover the opening of the shell when the body is removed). In contrast to the rear of the keyboard aeolids Cladobranchia in bright colors are sets of protruding organs called cerata. Nudibranchs have cephalic (head) tentacles, which are sensitive to taste, touch and smell. Club-shaped rhinophores detect the odors.

Nudibranchs typically deposit their eggs in a gelatinous spiral. All known nudibranchs are carnivorous. Other groups of tunicates feed (eg Tambja, Nembrotha, Polycera, Thecacera), other nudibranchs (Roboastra, descending-feeding tunicate species), barnacles (eg Onchidoris) and anemones (eg Cladobranchia Aeolidiidae and others). The surface dwelling nudibranch Glaucus atlanticus is a specialist predator siphonophores like the Portuguese Man O War "This predatory mollusk sucks air into the stomach to hold the liquid and leg muscle that clings to the film surface.

During evolution, sea slugs have lost their shell because they have developed other defense mechanisms. Some species have developed external anatomy with textures and colors that mimicked the plants around to avoid predators (see camouflage). Nudibranchs that feed on hydroids can store the nematocysts hydroids "(stinging cells) in the dorsal body wall, the cerata. Estes, called nematocysts kleptocnidae stolen, stroll through the digestive tract without harming the nudibranch. Nudibranchs can protect hydroids and their nematocysts., it is unclear how, but special cells with large vacuoles probably play an important role.

Some nudibranchs sponge-food concentrate their toxins replacement sponge in the body, making it toxic to predators. The evidence suggests that no toxins used by nudibranchs Dorid actually come from fungi diet lies in the similarities between the primary and secondary metabolites of prey and nudibranchs, respectively. Additionally nudibranchs contain a mixture of chemicals when the mushrooms in the presence of various power supplies and protection chemistry changes with a simultaneous change in diet. However, that is not the only way to develop nudibranchs chemical defense.

Evidence of different production methods will chemical composition is uniform across the drastically different environments and geographical locations are around species production compared with the vast array of new chemical composition of diet and environment dependent medium complexing species. Another method is to protect an acid release from skin. When the sample is physically irritated or touched by other creature, shall be released automatically mucus.
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