Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle


The Life of Animals | Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle | Ridley sea turtles generally prefer hot water, but they live in the water as far north as New Jersey, in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida, often migrate to live in the waters of Louisiana. The range includes the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.  Then, in the northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico runs as they grow to maturity. These turtles change color as they mature. The breeding season for these turtles is April to August They nest primarily in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, but sometimes the Father Iceland, Texas, United States. The estimated number of women nesting in 1947 was 89,000, but dropped to about 7702-1985 Women nest three times during the season, from 10 to 28 days between clusters. Incubation lasts 45-70 days. There are, on average, about 110 eggs per clutch.

At least one source also refers to Kemp "turtle grief." In his book The Rescue largest Ridley, Pamela Philips argued the names of fishermen, turtles die after "turned turtle" was observed (rear) embossed. Kemp Ridley Mexico protected the first time in 1960. United States was the first under the Endangered Species Conservation Act Kemp 1970 December 2, 1970 is included, then under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. One of the mechanisms used to protect turtles in fishing nets, the turtle excluder device (TED). Since the greatest threat to the population of Kemp Ridley sea turtles are shrimp, connect your device to the shrimp trawl.

In September 2007, Corpus Christi, Texas, wildlife officials found a record 128 Kemp's ridley sea beaches Ridley nesting in Texas, including 81 in North America Padre Iceland (Iceland Padre National Seashore) and four officials Iceland fauna Wild Mustang released 10,594 Kemp Ridley babies along the Texas coast this year. Turtles are popular in Mexico as boot material and food. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill threatens a wide variety of marine life, dolphins blue crabs. April 30, 2010, 10 days after the accident on the Deepwater Horizon, 156 dead sea turtles have been reported, most were Kemp Ridley. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologists and security guards have rescued Kemp Ridley in Grand Isle

Threatened marine species that frequent the Gulf, only the Kemp's ridley is based on the region as a single pool. The general plan is to collect about 70,000 eggs in the nests of sea turtles on the beaches of Alabama and Florida before you swim, and slip into the Deepwater Horizon explosion Louisiana.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Green Anaconda


The Life of Animals | Green Anaconda | The green anaconda is the longest snake in the world, reaching more than 6.6 meters (22 feet) long. It is the largest snake native to the Americas and flaky probably the largest species of snakes or electricity. Although the reticulated python is longer, the anaconda is the heaviest cut pipe with a 4.5 7.4 m higher green anaconda python. The longest and heaviest () scientifically analyzed samples was a woman 521 cm (17.09 feet) long and weighs 97.5 kg (215 lb). The remoteness of the snake habitat is found historically difficult to collect and return samples. The large sample transport museums, particularly the sharp decline, it is difficult (but not the return of the much larger and heavier crocodilian specimens occur). Reports observing animals that are not shown, are always questionable, as even trained scientists often overestimated the size of anacondas before recording. For more information, visit those who live in the periods under the pressure of the population longer, up to larger sizes. There are many historical accounts of green anacondas often ridiculously improbable sizes. Many zoologists (notably Henry Walter Bates and Alfred Russel Wallace, etc): Please note that the rumors of snakes by 30 or 40 yards, but in any case, direct observations of snakes by 20 feet long were limited.

Almost all samples over 6 m (20 ft), including a critically acclaimed shows of 11.36 m (37.3 feet) long, no copies, including the skin and bones. Herpetologist while measured in Colombia in 1978, William W. Lamar met with a large sample of women, 7.5 meters (25 ft) and weigh approximately 136-180 kg (300,400 pounds). With a maximum circumference of 112 cm (3.67 feet) from a woman claiming 7.9 m (26 ft) long, shot in 1963 in the Nariva Swamp, Trinidad, with 1.5 m (4, 9 feet ) crocodile. If the sample (19.5 ft), 5.94 m long, weighed 91 kg (200 lb). The approximate weight of an anaconda of 8 m (26 ft) of at least 200 kg (440 lb). Weight varies considerably, large samples, depending on the environment and feed the latter is in the previous example Verrill After very large, reduced to 163 kg (360 lb), while another copy is too large, to 5.06 m (16 ft 6 in) weighs only 54 kg (120 lb). In 10th Edition of the famous Systema naturae 1758, Carl Linnaeus cited descriptions and Laurens Albertus Seba Theodore Gronovius Boa various murine build his new gender, eight other species, including Boa constrictor.

The first examples were immature murine Boa is 2.5 to 3 m (75 to 90 cm) long. In 1830, Johann Georg Eunectes Wagler same sex "good swimmer" Boa murina Linnaeus for further samples were known and described. Since the male from the female-specific murine Eunectes murinus renamed America. Serpens American testudinacea murium insidiator" turtle pattern (spotted) American slang, a predator lurking in mice and rats murinus The Latin adjective (murine) in this case means "mouse" or "mouse connected" refers to "change his spots" and not "gray mouse" that people often do not display correctly for E. murinus. Early English-based sources, such as George Shaw, the murine Boa as "rat boa" and Penny Cyclopaedia (Vol. 5) entry for Boa said: "The common name implies, in the Waiting for some mice, mice found rufus maculis rotundatis up." red-brown "Boa appearance of murine Latin Linnaeusdescribed". Rounded spots at the top] and not gray on the description of the colors green anaconda immediate names refer others by various authors on the general brown, blue, green or gray. Popular names for Eunectes murinus include Green Anaconda, Anaconda, Anaconda boa common water.

Local names in South America, the Spanish term mata-bull, meaning "bull killer" and Native American words Sucuri (Tupi) and yaqumama in the Peruvian Amazon, the "Mother of Waters" Quechua language of the people in the jungle Yaqurunas or " water people ". Anacondas often men push the tongue, that the presence of the chemical signal wife Many men are often the same woman. This ball is like a wrestling match between idle men, fighting for every occasion. Women with During mating, males use their spurs in the female generation. They display their aggressive campaign against the woman's body while scratching his footsteps. Mating approaches its climax when males stimulus spurs cause female snake their cloaca to increase the area of the cloaca to move two tubes. The men coils its tail with the female and her mate. The strongest man and is often the biggest winner. However, women are physically bigger and stronger, and may decide to choose between men. Courtship and mating occur almost exclusively in the water.
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