The Life of Animals | Pika | Pikas are native to cold climates, Mostly in Asia, North America and parts of eastern Europe. A few Burrowing species are instead native to open Steppe land. In the mountains of Eurasia, pikas Often Burrows with Their share snowfinches, the which build there Their Nests Pikas are small Mammals, with Limbs short and rounded ears. Like rabbits, after eating They initially Produce soft green stool, the which They eat again to extract nutrition Further, before producing the final, solid, fecal pellets.
Pikas are diurnal or crepuscular, with higher altitude species being more active Generally During the daytime. Pikas do not hibernate, so They RELY on collected hay for warm bedding and food. Pikas gather fresh grasses and lay Them in stacks to dry. Once the grasses dry out, the pikas take this hay back to the Burrows for storage.
Eurasian pikas commonly live in family groups and share duties of gathering food and keeping watch. At least some species are territorial. North American pikas (O. princeps and O. collaris) are asocial, leading solitary lives outside the breeding season.
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