Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Snow Goose

The Life of Animals | Snow Goose | The Snow Goose has two types of plumage coloration, white (snow) or gray / blue (blue), for which the general description as "snow" and "blue". White-morph birds are white except for black wing tips, but blue-morph geese have bluish-gray plumage replacing the white except on the head, neck and tail. Both snow and blue phases feet and legs red and pink rose beads with black anatomy ("sharp"), making them a black "grin patch." The layers of color are inherited. The smallest subspecies, the Lesser Snow Goose (C. c. Caerulescens), lives from central northern Canada to the Bering Strait region. The Lesser Snow Goose is 25-31 inches (63-79 cm) and weighs 4.5 to 6.0 pounds (2.0 to 2.7 kg). The largest subspecies, the Greater Snow Goose (C. c. Atlanticus), nests in northeastern Italy.

Blue-morph birds are rare among the more snow goose and among populations of eastern Asia Minor. The breeding population of Lesser Snow Goose more than 5 million birds, with an increase of over 300 percent since the mid-1970s. Creating non-geese (children or adults who are unable to nest successfully) are not included in this estimate so that the total number of geese is even greater. Lower rates of population Snow Goose were the highest population data are preserved, and evidence suggests that large breeding populations of previously untouched spread to parts of the coast of Hudson Bay. During spring migration, large numbers of snow geese fly very high along narrow corridors, more than 3000 miles from traditional wintering areas to the tundra. The Lesser Snow Goose travels through the Central Flyway, by some of the richest farmland in America.

The geese have also begun to graze in fields of wheat fall-sown winter wheat especially. Many biologists that the change of winter feeding led to the abundance of geese. Winter is the season in which the upper limit for the population continues his goose. Now is the abundance of waste agricultural grains, provided Snow Geese with excellent forage and improved survival of wintering geese. So geese to return to the North Pole each spring to breed. These geese are back in a much better condition than it was when the geese are not agricultural grains, but collected in swamps. In winter, snow geese feed on leftover grain in the fields. Snow geese and usually travel together feed more breast white geese, however, both tend to avoid travel and feed alongside Canada geese, which are often heavier birds.

Snow Geese in North America increased to the point where the tundra breeding areas in the Arctic and wintering wetlands are both becoming severely degraded, and this affects other species using the same habitat. Highlights nest predators include Arctic foxes and hunters. The nesting success was much lower when snowy owls were absent, leading scientists to believe that owls, predators because they were able to keep predators away from the nest competitors. Few predators hunt snow geese regularly outside of the breeding season, but eagles (and possibly Golden Eagles) simply confirm geese overwinter
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